Update from Kate - Strawberry: Bently Holdings traffic study now available

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Bently Master Plan Traffic Study
Now Available for Review and Comment

At the March 17, 2015 public hearing before the Board of Supervisors to consider this matter, I asked that the applicant provide further analysis of traffic and parking for the Bently Holdings Master Plan Amendment and Precise Development Plan Amendment at 1 and 2 Belvedere Place in Mill Valley. That information is now available for review and comment on the project page.

As background, the applicant is requesting a maximum total amount of medical use of 47,500 square feet in the existing (~100,000 square foot) office buildings. The applicant is also requesting supplemental Use Permit findings be made to allow up to 25,000 square feet of this 47,500 square feet for medical use, if approved by the Board of Supervisors. This would allow the applicant to subsequently apply for a building permit for medical services use (office or lab) for up to 25,000 square feet. To go beyond 25,000 square feet, another use permit and hearing would be required.

The tentative hearing date for the Master Plan and Precise Development Plan amendments is August 11. The Community Development Agency has requested feedback on the submitted traffic study from the Department of Public Works and Caltrans by July 9 but additional correspondence could be received after this date. Here’s helpful information about how to stay informed about this project and other proposed projects where you live.

How to Stay Informed About This Application

A notice for a public hearing will be posted on the project page and you can receive it by subscribing to the Bently Master Plan webpage. By subscribing, you will receive further information about this application so that you may stay informed, attend the hearing, submit comments and understand the proposal.

How to Stay Informed About Current and Future Land Use Applications in Strawberry

You may also subscribe to the Community Development Agency page covering the Strawberry area. By subscribing to this page, you will automatically receive information and timely updates about projects submitted for consideration and approval in your area.

Please stay in touch and feel welcome to write to me at ksears@marincounty.org. Share this information with friends and urge them to subscribe to my news and information by signing up. Have a safe and enjoyable summer.