July 21, 2023 | Edition 131
Welcome to the Community Link Newsletter
Our weekly newsletter aims to keep residents and businesses connected to us and all that is going on in and throughout the City. You can connect with us and learn more about our community, cultural events and celebrations, and news of interest by reading this newsletter, visiting our website at cityofirvine.org, and following us on our social media channels listed at the bottom of this email. We look forward to connecting with you.
Take Our Health & Wellness Survey
The City of Irvine is conducting a survey to learn about the current and future health and wellness needs of residents. The focus of this survey is on mental health and substance use in our community.
Irvine residents 18 and older are invited to participate in the online survey from now through Thursday, August 3, by visiting polco.us/irvinewellness2023.
The City of Irvine partnered with Polco to conduct the survey, and all information collected is confidential and no identifying information will be shared. This survey was also sent in the mail to a random sampling of residents; if you received a survey in the mail, please use that information to complete the survey. It is available in eight languages: English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. To access the survey in additional languages, use the drop-down menu atop the survey page.
We appreciate your participation in the survey. Your input and experiences will help the City develop a multi-year health and wellness plan that offers services and resources to best support our residents and community.
For additional information or questions about the survey, please call For Families at 949-724-6650 or visit cityofirvine.org/healthandwellness. To learn more about the City’s Health and Wellness efforts, visit cityofirvine.org/healthandhumanservices.
Take the Health & Wellness Survey
Attend the Climate Planning and Solarize Irvine Workshops
The City is starting the next phase of the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) outreach.
Join us for the Summer 2023 CAAP Public Workshop
Wednesday, August 9, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Irvine Civic Center. Staff will present updated information on the CAAP and provide an opportunity for feedback on potential CAAP actions. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
RSVP is encouraged; please email environmentalprograms@cityofirvine.org.
CAAP Survey
Our online community survey will help us gather community input on potential greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies and mitigation measures, and better understand community priorities. Input from the survey will be used in combination with feedback from our public workshops to inform the adaptation and mitigation measures in the draft CAAP.
Please take the survey and share your input.
Solarize Irvine Workshop
In partnership with the nonprofit OC Goes Solar, the City of Irvine is offering a workshop on the Solarize Irvine program, which aims to make solar energy affordable and accessible for residents.
The workshop will be held Wednesday, July 26, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., at Los Olivos Community Center. It will feature a Q&A session with local program installers and energy experts on rooftop solar, battery storage, and home EV charging. Light refreshments will be served.
Please register for the workshop and learn about ways to support the City's ambitious goal of carbon neutrality by 2030.
Support our 2/11 Marine Families
Looking for ways to support the military community? The Irvine 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee is hosting a summer Baby Gift Drive.
As families of Irvine's adopted 2/11 Marine Battalion are expecting new babies, you can help welcome these little bundles of joy by donating new and unopened baby care items.
Items can be purchased at Walmart to donate directly to the Baby Gift Drive. You can also drop off donations through Friday, August 4, at the following locations:
Irvine City Hall, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday
Great Park Visitors Center, 11 a.m.–7 p.m. Daily
Items needed include: unopened burp cloths, lotions/soaps, newborn gowns, onesies, receiving blankets, car seats, pack n’ plays, high chairs, and baby clothes (0-18 months).
Monetary donations are also accepted.
Enjoy Music from ACME Time Machine During Summer in the City
The City of Irvine is kicking off the first free Sizzlin’ Summer Concert this Saturday night, July 22, at 5:30 p.m., at Mike Ward Community Park — Woodbridge.
ACME Time Machine will be performing rockabilly and swing hits from the 50s, 60s, and more.
Plus, mark your calendar for these upcoming performances:
Saturday, August 6, 5:30 p.m.: Tijuana Dogs (Top 40 Hits).
Saturday, August 19, 5:30 p.m.: DW3 (Soul, R&B, Old School Funk).
Bring blankets, chairs, and a picnic basket, or purchase treats from on-site gourmet food trucks. General admission is free and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Hang Out with Us at Irvine Nights this Weekend!
The City of Irvine, in partnership with PSQ Productions, invites you to participate in a night of fun, food, and festivities at Irvine Nights this Friday, July 21, from 5 to 10 p.m., at the Great Park Palm Court Arts Complex.
Irvine Nights is a vibrant night market offering a blend of food, drinks, shopping, entertainment, and engaging activities. A Kids Zone, games, and activities will be offered for younger attendees, and live entertainment will be provided by Flashback Heart Attack.
Create lasting memories and enjoy the park and your community this weekend!
This Week in DE&I
There are many cultural and religious holidays celebrated and recognized throughout our community this month. Learn about some of the significant dates being observed in Irvine below and on our DE&I calendar.
Hijri New Year
The Islamic New Year, also called the Hijri New Year or Arabic New Year, was recognized July 18. It is the day that marks the beginning of a new lunar calendar.
The first year of this calendar began in Gregorian CE 622 when the Prophet Muhammad emigrated from Mecca to Medina with his companions.The word Hijri is derived from Hijra meaning migration.
The event falls on a different day every year because the Islamic year is 11 to 12 days shorter. As rituals and prayers mark the occasion, Muharram, the first month of the Islamic new year, is known as the month of remembrance and is sacred to Muslims across the world.
Upcoming Meetings & Events