Community Link Newsletter


Community Link

January 7, 2022 | Edition 52

Welcome to the Community Link Newsletter

Our weekly newsletter aims to keep residents and businesses connected to us and all that is going on in and throughout the City. You can connect with us and learn more about our community, cultural events and celebrations, and news of interest by reading this newsletter, visiting our website at, and following us on our social media channels, listed at the bottom of this email. We look forward to connecting with you. 


Residential Beekeeping Virtual Community Workshop 

The City of Irvine is in the process of drafting a Residential Beekeeping Ordnance. The purpose of the ordinance is to permit beekeeping as an accessory use in single-family residential properties.

We invite Irvine residents to learn more about this effort and provide input at a virtual Community Workshop Thursday, January 13, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 

To register for the workshop via Zoom, click here. You will be sent a confirmation email containing information about joining the workshop.  


Organics Recycling Update

In December 2021, the Irvine City Council adopted a mandatory recycling and organics collection ordinance to comply with the requirements of SB 1383, which aims to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the release of methane emissions from organic materials decomposing in landfills.

All residential and commercial customers must subscribe to an organic waste collection program. Commercial customers, including multi-family complexes that are five units or more, will likely begin receiving organic waste containers in early 2022.

The City is in the process of working with Waste Management on an updated agreement to provide organic waste collection services to single-family homes in Irvine. If approved by the Irvine City Council in the spring, implementation of the new organic waste collection program is anticipated to begin this summer.

For more information, visit

Job Fair

Part-time Job Fair

Develop experience for your career and make an impact by working for the City of Irvine! Start your journey in Community Services or Public Safety by joining us at the Part-Time Job Fair Saturday, January 22, at the Irvine Civic Center Piazza. Interviews will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Day, evening, and weekend schedules are available, and hours offer flexibility.

View current listings on the City's Career Opportunities webpage. Bring a copy of your resume. The minimum age for all positions is 18 or older, with exception of lifeguard and swim instructor positions, where the minimum age is 15.

Cool Irvine

Join the Climate Journey with Cool Irvine

Irvine's Cool City Challenge program, Cool Irvine, launches next week on Thursday, January 13, at 4:30 p.m.

Join Irvine Mayor Farrah N. Khan and special guest Congresswoman Katie Porter as we engage with the creators of the Cool City program, Irvine’s Climate Moonshot Team, and our community partners. Participants will also have an opportunity to meet other Cool Block Leaders and help the City of Irvine shape the Cool Irvine vision to become carbon neutral by 2030.

This event will be held via Zoom and is open to all community members interested in Irvine’s climate journey. Visit the City's website for more information. 

Korean American Day

Korean American Day is January 13

Korean American Day on January 13 commemorates the arrival of the first Korean immigrants to the United States in 1903.

In 1882, the United States and Korea signed a treaty establishing a peaceful relationship, friendship, and commerce. While this led to Korean diplomats, students, politicians, and businessmen visiting the United States, few felt compelled to stay. It wasn’t until December of 1902, on the SS Gaelic, that 102 Korean immigrants set sail for Honolulu, Hawaii. These families initiated the first wave of Korean immigration, resulting in more than 7,500 immigrants over the next two years. This day honors and celebrates Korean Americans' immense contributions to every aspect of society.


You're invited: Irvine Through the Lens

Irvine Mountains

Last year, the City of Irvine asked residents, businesses, and visitors to participate in our 50th Anniversary Photo Contest, and we were impressed with what we saw!

We want to continue to see Irvine through your lens as you capture our City's parks, businesses, open space, and scenic moments.

Follow us on social media, and use the hashtag #IrvineThroughTheLens to submit your photo. Or you can email your photo to You may see your photo included in our marketing materials such as newsletters, social media, and the City website.


Upcoming Meetings & Events 

January 11 | 4 p.m.
City Council Meeting


January 13 | 4:30 p.m.

Cool Irvine Launch Event

January 13 | 5:30 p.m.
 Beekeeping Workshop

View the City Calendar 

We Are Irvine