December 31, 2021 | Edition 51
Welcome to the Community Link Newsletter
Our weekly newsletter aims to keep residents and businesses connected to us and all that is going on in and throughout the City. You can connect with us and learn more about our community, cultural events and celebrations, and news of interest by reading this newsletter, visiting our website at cityofirvine.org, and following us on our social media channels, listed at the bottom of this email. We look forward to connecting with you.
Oliver C. Chi – Irvine’s 6th City Manager
Oliver began his service to Irvine as the community’s sixth City Manager on December 24, 2021. Prior to his current role, he held a variety of management and staff positions with the cities of Huntington Beach, Monrovia, Barstow, Rosemead, Claremont, and Arcadia. He also spent a period of time working for a member of the California State Legislature.
Read more about City Manager Chi here.
Report Odor Complaints on City Website and Access Irvine App
In an effort to ease odor reports throughout the City, an Odor Complaint Form has been added to the City website and the City app, Access Irvine.
To report an odor, open Access Irvine and click on How Can We Help or visit cityofirvine.org/HowCanWeHelp.
There you can report the day, location, odor description, and source if identifiable, weather conditions, whether you have experienced any symptoms, and any other details. Please note that if you suspect a gas leak, you should call SoCal Gas at 1-800-427-2200.
For response to odor complaints, please contact South Coast Air Quality Management District at 1-800-CUT-SMOG or via aqmd.gov.
Click here to learn more about the Access Irvine app and how to download it to your smartphone.
Cheers to our Birthday Year!
The year 2021 was a big year for the City of Irvine, as we honored and celebrated our 50th anniversary together!
A very special thank you to all who came out this year and participated in our events, activities, and celebrations, paying homage to this milestone.
Want to relive the fun? You can view pictures, videos, and snapshots of all of the fun on the City's website at cityofirvine.org/50th.
Join the Climate Journey with Cool Irvine
Irvine's Cool City Challenge program, Cool Irvine, launches next month on Thursday, January 13, 2022, at 4:30 p.m.
Join Irvine Mayor Farrah N. Khan and special guest Congresswoman Katie Porter as we engage with the creators of the Cool City program, Irvine’s Climate Moonshot Team, and our community partners. You will also have an opportunity to meet other Cool Block Leaders, and help the City of Irvine shape the Cool Irvine vision to become carbon neutral by 2030.
This event will be held via Zoom and is open to all community members interested in Irvine’s climate journey. Visit the City's website for more information.
January 1 Symbolizes Civil War Push for Freedom
January 1 marks the date President Abraham Lincoln enacted the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."
The Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation due to limitations of the order, which only promised freedom dependent upon United States military victory during the Civil War. It did, however, mark a significant change to the reason behind the war — a war for freedom.
You can read more about the Emancipation Proclamation and view images of the document on the National Archives website.
Fun Fact for 50 Years of Incorporation
Happy New Year from the City of Irvine! We celebrated big in 2016 when Irvine gained worldwide attention during the 127th Rose Parade! The Greater Irvine Chamber of Commerce and Destination Irvine joined dozens of others during the parade, themed “Find our Adventure.”
The float theme was “Innovation Rocks,” which celebrated Irvine's exhilarating and life-changing innovations in technology and life sciences for which Irvine, its university and colleges, and its global companies are known for worldwide.
Previously, Irvine participated in the 1987 Rose Parade with a float themed "The World of Prehistoric Wonders."
Upcoming Meetings & Events