April 16, 2021 | Edition 16
Welcome to the Community Link Newsletter
Our weekly newsletter aims to keep residents and businesses connected to us and all that is going on in and throughout the City. You can connect with us and learn more by visiting our website at cityofirvine.org, and following us on our social media channels, listed at the bottom of this email. We look forward to connecting with you.
Housing Element Update Virtual Community Workshops
The City of Irvine is updating the Housing Element for the 2021-2029 planning period and will be hosting two virtual community workshops in April. All Irvine residents and stakeholders are encouraged to attend the virtual workshops to help plan the City’s future housing needs and priorities.
The workshops will be held April 22, from 10 a.m. to noon; and April 29, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. Visit cityofirvine.org/HEUpdate to register for a meeting, view program material in eight languages, and learn more. If you need language assistance, please email mchao@cityofirvine.org by April 30 to schedule an individual meeting.
Participate in the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation
Mayor Farrah N. Khan is joining mayors across the country for the 10th Anniversary of the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation by asking residents to make a long-term commitment to manage water resources more wisely.
The annual challenge, April 1- 30, is a nonprofit national community service campaign that encourages leaders to inspire their residents to make a series of simple pledges to use water more efficiently, reduce pollution, and save energy. Visit mywaterpledge.com to take the pledge.
Ramadan Food Drive: April 18
The City of Irvine invites you to participate in a drive-thru food collection event April 18, 10 a.m.-noon, at Irvine Civic Center. Community members are invited to donate non-perishable food items during this event, which is being hosted in observance of Ramadan. All donations support Families Forward, a nonprofit helping families in need in Orange County. View a list of the most needed items on the City's website.
Join the Drive Electric Earth Day Webinar
On April 20, in honor of Earth Week, the City of Irvine will host a “Drive Electric Earth Day” webinar providing an overview of electric vehicles (EV) including the benefits of ownership, charging options, and available incentives.
All webinar participants will be entered into a raffle to win several Earth Day-themed raffle prizes. This webinar is free to attend and open to the public. This event will be in the format of a Zoom meeting and be held from noon to 1 p.m. To be admitted into the meeting, you must be pre-registered. Learn more and register on the City's website.
Prescription Drug Take Back Day: April 24
The Irvine Police Department will be participating in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Saturday, April 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to address a vital public safety and health issue and eliminate the potential for misuse, abuse, or accidental poisoning.
Community members can drop off unwanted and expired medications at the locations below:
Civic Center Parking Lot, 2 Civic Center Plaza, near the Child Development Center
Hoag Health Center, 16405 Sand Canyon
Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices, 6670 Alton Parkway
More information about the event can be found on the U.S. Department of Justice's website.
Tip,Toss, and Take Action Against Mosquitoes
California Mosquito Awareness Week runs next week, and all residents are called upon to help Tip, Toss, and Take Action against mosquito-borne diseases and eliminate mosquito breeding sources around your property.
Tip: Tip out standing water in your yard weekly Toss: Toss unneeded containers Take Action: Take action and apply repellent to exposed skin when outdoors
In recognition of California Mosquito Awareness Week, the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District will be conducting a contest and giving away a swag bag and special prizes everyday next week to residents and those who work in Orange County.
For more information and to enter the contest, visit ocvector.org.
Fun Facts for 50 Years of Incorporation!
Ahead of National Lima Bean Respect Day Tuesday, April 20 (yes, it really is a thing), we are highlighting Irvine's special history with this humble legume.
Frederick Culver, a tenant farmer on the Irvine Ranch, planted lima beans here in 1902 and became one of the most successful farmers in Orange County. By 1911, the Irvine Ranch had 14,000 acres of lima beans, helping to secure its distinction as "the largest bean field in the world under one management.”
The crop was harvested in the fall, and sheep, which also lived on the Ranch, would graze the land clean before the beans were replanted every May. During World War I, lima beans were an important food staple for troops, thanks to their high protein and carbohydrate content and low spoilage rate.
Photo & information credit: Irvine Historical Society
Upcoming Meetings & Events