Community Link Newsletter





Community Link

January 8, 2021 | Edition 2

Welcome to the Community Link Newsletter

Our new weekly newsletter aims to keep residents and businesses connected to us and all that is going on in and throughout the City. Through this newsletter, which will be sent out every Friday, you can expect to learn more about ongoing projects at the City, upcoming meetings and events, announcements, and items of note, such as how we'll celebrate our 50th anniversary. 

You can connect with us and learn more by visiting our website at, and following us on our social media channels, listed at the bottom of this email. We look forward to connecting with you. 

Irvine Cares

Irvine Cares Campaign 

The City of Irvine launched Irvine Cares, the first initiative of Mayor Farrah N. Khan’s newly assembled COVID-19 Task Force. The campaign invites the public to slow the spread of COVID-19 by pledging support of mitigation measures which includes acting as an advocate to ensure the health and safety of Irvine’s most vulnerable. 


Through Irvine Cares, community members pledge to protect one another by wearing a mask, washing their hands frequently, practicing social distancing, and staying home when sick. They commit to practicing kindness and good judgment by being respectful of others, especially those who are at increased risk for severe illness, and to being an advocate by promoting best practices in preventing COVID-19.  

More information about the campaign will be provided soon. Watch for updates in this publication or on our website.

Mayor Khan

Chat with the Mayor Program

This month, Mayor Farrah N. Khan will launch the Chat with the Mayor Program. This new program will be offered via Zoom and will allow residents and members of the public to speak with Mayor Khan about any questions, issues, concerns, or ideas you may have regarding the City of Irvine. The goal of the program is to allow all members of the community the opportunity to participate, be heard, and feel valued. More information will be released at and through this newsletter as it becomes available. 

City Hall

We Can Explain Video Series

Do you have a question about what is going on at the City of Irvine, or need more explanation on certain items of note? "We Can Explain!" This new video series will be rolled out by the City in an effort to respond to some of the frequently asked questions from our residents and businesses. Initial topics to be discussed include Community Choice Energy, enforcement of COVID-19 measures, and the Southern California Veterans Cemetery. More details will be announced soon at

Access  Irvine

How Can We Help? Download the Access Irvine App

"If you see something, say something" by using our mobile app. The Access Irvine app makes it easy to connect with City staff and let us know if something in our community requires our attention such as a street light outage or a need for park maintenance. Download the upgraded app for iPhone and Android use today! 

Winter Wonderland

Senior Services Drive-Thru Winter Wonderland 

See the Lakeview Senior Center transform into a drive-thru Winter Wonderland on Friday, January 15, from 1 to 3 p.m. Senior Services staff members will be out to say hello and give participants a sweet treat as you drive through the parking lot from the safety of your car. Attendees are asked to stay in their vehicle and wear a mask. This free event is open for all Irvine residents ages 50 and older. Register at with code #39946. For more information, please call 949-724-6900. 


Fun Facts for 50 Years of Incorporation!

The City of Irvine will celebrate its 50th Anniversary this year. Leading up to the celebration, we'll share some fun facts about the City from its inception, all the way to present day!

Are you trying to eat healthier for your New Year's resolution? Take a bite out of the City of Irvine's official vegetable, asparagus! The asparagus can even be seen in the right portion of the  City's logo: 


Upcoming Meetings & Events 

January 12 | 3 p.m.
City Council Special Meeting


January 12 | 4 p.m.
City Council Regular Meeting

January 12 | 10 a.m.
Orange County Power Authority Board Meeting

View the City Calendar 

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