Calling all Goleta Businesses and Shoppers to Participate Now in our #GoodLandGoodShopping Campaign!

COVID-19 Update
Holiday Shop Local Words Only

Calling all Goleta Businesses and Shoppers to Participate Now in our #GoodLandGoodShopping Campaign!

Help us Highlight Local Businesses on Social Media - Send Us Your Photos

The City of Goleta wants to support local businesses during this difficult time. We recently launched our #GoodLandGoodShopping campaign to remind the community to think local first when shopping, dining, or purchasing services this holiday season and beyond. As part of the campaign, and in an effort to increase awareness about local businesses, the City of Goleta will be featuring businesses on our social media channels.

There are a few ways to participate with photos: 

  • Send a photo of you and a Holiday Purchase/Recommendation from a Goleta business to us at We will share it on our Instagram (@cityofgoleta) and Facebook (@CityofGoleta) pages.

  • Share why you buy local (and how!) on your social media and use #GoodLandGoodShopping. You can find a #GoodLandGoodShopping graphic to use on social media at as well.

  • Goleta businesses who wish to participate should send the following to and we will then share about your business on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (all @cityofgoleta) accounts. 
    • Business name, address and website
    • General description of business
    • Recommendation for a holiday purchase
    • Do you offer curbside pick-up?
    • Do you offer gift cards?
    • Photo of business, purchase, etc...

We are fortunate to live in a City that is home to a wide range of businesses with all kinds of quality and creative products and services to choose from!  We are proud the Good Land has lots of Good Shopping that we can support this holiday season and beyond.

Businesses can also hang a #GoodLandGoodShopping window poster up. Posters were passed out around town by volunteers, but you can still get one by going to the Goleta Valley Library (500 N. Fairview Avenue) during Sidewalk Service hours Wednesdays through Saturdays 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. You can also download the poster from our website at

The City of Goleta has placed our #GoodLandGoodShopping signs around town (pictured below) and look out for light post banners coming soon!

Individuals and businesses are reminded to wear a face covering, maintain social distance, and follow all other State, County, and City public health recommendations when shopping and dining locally.

For more information about the #GoodLandGoodShopping campaign, or for assistance in helping to promote this effort, please email

Thanks in advance for your support.  Remember when you choose Goleta, you choose community!

#GoodLandGoodShopping is intended to elevate the visibility of Goleta businesses in response to the economic impacts of COVID-19. The City does not endorse or recommend any business or product.

Shop Local Sign at Fairview Shopping Center

#GoodLandGoodShopping sign placed at Fairview Shopping Center

Shop Local_Holiday Twitter