Goleta Roadwork Update - March 31

Public Works

As you can see when driving around Goleta, there are a number of infrastructure projects including those at Storke Road and those on Los Carneros Road.  The work at Storke Road will primarily be done at night from this point on.  There will be temporary closures as the second right turn lane onto Southbound 101 is completed.  Other improvements include: 

·         The addition of a second right-turn lane onto the southbound onramp at the US 101 freeway

·         Clearer signage and updated pavement striping

·         Increased visibility, traffic signal modifications and a bike lane for bicyclists.  For example, when a cyclist approaches a signal, the no right turn signal will be illuminated so drivers are alerted to the cyclist.

·         Pavement resurfacing

This work is scheduled to occur evenings between April 11-21.  On April 22 there will be a 90 minute window when the signals at the freeway will be on red flash to allow the change over to the new signals. The project is being completed in conjunction with Caltrans.  

The work on Los Carneros Road is part of the work necessary to create the fourth leg of the Los Carneros/Calle Koral intersection needed for the Villages at Los Carneros Project.  This work includes signal modifications and median improvements.  Work will be done during the day and one lane in each direction will be open at all times.  This work is expected to conclude in June.

Thank you for your patience during construction.