El Dorado County District 2 Newsletter

George Turnboo - District 2 Supervisor




Loss of AT&T Land-line Phones


Using Bio-Power With Biomass


EDH Area Planning Advisory Council


Arts and Culture El Dorado


District 2 Regional Updates





Loss of AT&T Land-Line Phones


AT&T has become the only provider for land-line telephone service in El Dorado County. Recently, AT&T has requested that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) review the obligation of AT&T to provide land-line telephone service. Supervisor Turnboo has concerns regarding the loss of land-line telephone service in El Dorado County and wrote a letter to the CPUC regarding this matter.

Letter to CPUC

The CPUC will be hosting public forums regarding AT&T's request to no longer be obligated to provide land-line telephone service.


Learn more with CA Public Utilities Commission

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Using Bio-Power With Biomass


Bio-Power, Inc

Bio-Power, Inc. is a biomass company that creates systems to convert waste into usable power and heat with many benefits. Bio-Power Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems fuel sustainable and profitable ways to generate electric power. Designs can include systems that convert unsorted Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into usable power, which also eliminates waste costs. Similar Bio-Power biomass systems have been implemented in schools, wildlife sanctuaries, healthcare facilities, wood utilization campuses and municipal sites. The future of green industries like biomass will help local economic development grow through an encouraged environment with green energy related employment. Contact Bio-Power, Inc. at contact@biopower.co.


Learn more about Bio-Power biomass operations

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EDH Area Planning Advisory Council



The El Dorado Hills Area Planning Advisory Committee (APAC) was formed in 1981 to provide public input for the development of the County’s new area plan for El Dorado Hills and Salmon Falls. While APAC is only an advisory committee to the County, its recommendations make a difference by influencing land use projects. APAC submits reports, expresses support or disagreement with land use planning for the community. They provide a list of EDH related documents as part of projects being reviewed, upcoming events, and the latest APAC news.


The El Dorado Hills APAC membership is open to all residents of EDH. To be placed on the monthly meeting agenda e-mail distribution list, or for questions and comments, contact EDH APAC at edhapc@gmail.com.


Learn more about the El Dorado Hills APAC

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Arts and Culture El Dorado


Arts and Culture El Dorado

Supervisor Turnboo recently joined Supervisor Parlin and others as judges for a Poetry Out Loud (POL) competition hosted by Arts and Culture El Dorado. The mission of Arts and Culture El Dorado is to promote, connect and empower arts and culture throughout El Dorado County using events such as poetry competitions, which support and sustain the cultural life of the region. Supervisor Turnboo enjoyed the poems and friendly competition held at Imagination Theater in Placerville, CA. The winner will be moving on to an upcoming State Championship poetry competition in Sacramento.


Learn more about Arts & Culture El Dorado

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District 2 Regional Updates


West County:

  • Helping Food Bank with Emergency Disaster Resource Center.
  • Hosted EDH “Road To The West” meeting discussion.
  • Continued participating in furthering “CEDAC”.
  • Discussed future developments and infrastructure needs.
  • Met with Blackstone residents and Planning officials.


South County:

  • Meeting with concerned residents from Outingdale.
  • Attended Poetry Out Loud event as a poetry judge.
  • Hosted Grizzly Flats administrative site meeting.
  • Advocated for Grizzly Flats residents currently rebuilding.
  • Community outreach concerning local law and justice.


Learn more about El Dorado County District 2

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February 2024 Free Food Calendar



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