El Dorado County District 2 Newsletter

George Turnboo - District 2 Supervisor




Warm Coat and Heavy Blanket Drive


SSCP Chamber of Commerce


EDWA Stormwater Projects


District 2 Regional Updates


Household Hazardous Waste Event





Warm Coat and Heavy Blanket Drive


The District 2 office is collaborating with the Food Bank of El Dorado County and the Shingle Springs/Cameron Park Chamber of Commerce to promote a "Warm Coat and Heavy Blanket Drive" to collect warm coats and heavy blankets for Caldor Fire survivors as they face difficult conditions. Winter weather is an added struggle for residents living in temporary housing. Both organizations are accepting warm coat or heavy blanket donations in an effort to keep residents warm in the cold months ahead. Please consider making a donation of new or gently used items to one of these locations:



Warm Coat and Heavy Blanket Drive



For over 20 years the Food Bank of El Dorado County has helped our neighbors who struggle to make ends meet. The Food Bank has relationships with many local non-profit organizations, businesses and government agencies to ensure people are fed. In addition to the Emergency Food Assistance Network, they have also started a Commodity Supplemental Food Program for seniors over 60, free farmer’s market events, and the No Vet Goes Hungry Program. The Food Bank welcomes visitors and volunteers who want to help feed people, and there are other ways to give help as well. If you or anyone you know, is in need of food, contact the Food Bank of El Dorado County for assistance.


Learn more from the Food Bank of El Dorado County

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SSCP Chamber of Commerce


Shingle Springs/Cameron Park Chamber of Commerce

The Shingle Springs/Cameron Park Chamber of Commerce (SSCP Chamber of Commerce) was originally formed as the Shingle Springs Business and Professional Association, Inc. in 1967. The SSCP Chamber of Commerce works to promote the area by encouraging economic investment as a solid foundation for the community. Their mission statement is: "To advocate, promote and preserve the quality of life in our Chamber Community, by means of a strong, healthy and diverse business community." The SSCP Chamber of Commerce collaborates with local charities to provide opportunities to the community and connects businesses across industries in our region. The SSCP Chamber of Commerce hosts promotional events and professionals’ meetings as resources to help residents grow their business. Contact SSCP Chamber of Commerce for more information.


Learn more with SSCP Chamber of Commerce

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EDWA Stormwater Projects


El Dorado Water Agency Event

El Dorado Water Agency (EDWA) has put forward a Stormwater Resource Initiative recognizing the interconnection of various water management challenges and the importance of integrated, multi-benefit projects. This understanding and subsequent approach helps address many water resource challenges in El Dorado County, including reducing the water supply-demand imbalance, reducing localized flooding, improving water quality, and providing environmental protection and habitat enhancement.


Programmatic Watershed Plan

EDWA partnered with Cameron Park CSD and El Dorado Hills CSD respectively to facilitate Cameron Park drainage improvements. The drainage improvements will address the occurrence of critical flooding due to inadequate and aging infrastructure, clean clogged ditches and drains, and add infrastructure to areas that experience critical flooding. El Dorado County and El Dorado Water Agency are working together to provide greater safety with storm-water drainage and low-level flooding. The improvements to Cameron Park drainage will enhance the quality of life for all residents. Stay up to date on all EDWA activities through their newsroom or social media.


Programmatic Watershed Plan (Nov 2023)


Learn More About El Dorado Water Agency Projects

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District 2 Regional Updates


West County:

  • Met with local media representatives.
  • Discussed economic growth proposals in EDH.
  • Spoke with residents about BOS related concerns.


South County:

  • Toured Grizzly Flats with Congressman Kevin Kiley.
  • Met with concerned South County residents.
  • Owner/Builder Ordinance discussion with GF residents.


Learn more about El Dorado County District 2

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Household Hazardous Waste Event


Household Hazardous Waste Event

El Dorado County accepts certain household hazardous waste from local residents. The Environmental Management Department provides information regarding what constitutes household hazardous waste, and the proper ways of disposing the waste. On January 6th, El Dorado County will host another household hazardous waste collection event by appointment only. To participate in the upcoming waste collection event, please contact the Environmental Management Department directly by phone at (530) 621-5300 or by email at hhw@edcgov.us to schedule an appointment.


When: January 6th, 2023, from 9am to 12pm




Fire Station #86

3670 Bass Lake Road

El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 


Scheduled Appointment Required.


Learn more about Hazardous Waste Collection

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January 2024 Free Food Calendar



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