Voices of the People
We want to share what is happening in your community, including positive stories and non-partisan family friendly topics to discuss. Supervisor Turnboo initiated a new policy that he affectionately dubbed the “Voices of the People” and is now accepting submissions to be included in the District 2 Newsletter. Supervisor Turnboo wants to provide the residents of District 2 an opportunity to submit written topics that meet our guidelines, so that their discussion topic can be shared with the community. The District 2 Newsletter is released on the 15th and 30th of each month. Submission guidelines are below.
We want to share what is happening in your community, including positive stories and non-partisan family friendly topics to discuss.
- Submissions must be authored by a District 2 resident.
- Submissions must include author name. Contact information optional.
- Submissions must be about non-partisan topics relevant to District 2.
- Submissions must include a short title (34 characters maximum).
- Submissions must be 1-3 paragraphs of text, formatted as a file (*.doc, *.docx, *.txt) or email the text, and can include a single photo (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif - 600px width) and logo (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif).
Note: Photos will be centered below title and above text.
Logos are smaller and adjusted right of text.
- Submissions should be emailed to bostwo@edcgov.us.
- District 2 Supervisor will approve, deny, or delay all submissions.
- Contact El Dorado County District 2 office for more information.
Learn more about Voices of the People
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