Special Edition: El Dorado County District 2 Newsletter

George Turnboo - District 2 Supervisor




Voices of the People





Voices of the People


We want to share what is happening in your community, including positive stories and non-partisan family friendly topics to discuss. Supervisor Turnboo initiated a new policy that he affectionately dubbed the “Voices of the People” and is now accepting submissions to be included in the District 2 Newsletter. Supervisor Turnboo wants to provide the residents of District 2 an opportunity to submit written topics that meet our guidelines, so that their discussion topic can be shared with the community. The District 2 Newsletter is released on the 15th and 30th of each month. Submission guidelines are below.



Voices of the People





We want to share what is happening in your community, including positive stories and non-partisan family friendly topics to discuss.


  • Submissions must be authored by a District 2 resident.
  • Submissions must include author name. Contact information optional.
  • Submissions must be about non-partisan topics relevant to District 2.
  • Submissions must include a short title (34 characters maximum).
  • Submissions must be 1-3 paragraphs of text, formatted as a file (*.doc, *.docx, *.txt) or email the text, and can include a single photo (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif - 600px width) and logo (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif).

          Note: Photos will be centered below title and above text.

                    Logos are smaller and adjusted right of text.

  • Submissions should be emailed to bostwo@edcgov.us.
  • District 2 Supervisor will approve, deny, or delay all submissions.
  • Contact El Dorado County District 2 office for more information.

Learn more about Voices of the People

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