El Dorado County District 2 Newsletter

George Turnboo - District 2 Supervisor




Joe Patterson Grizzly Flats Tour


Caldor Fire Road Repair


Ending the "Let It Burn" Policy


Clean California with Caltrans


Household Hazardous Waste Event





Joe Patterson Grizzly Flats Tour


California State Seal

Assemblyman Joe Patterson and Supervisor George Turnboo toured Grizzly Flats to review the damage caused by the Caldor Fire and weather impacts. The tour included speaking with crews working on repairs and speaking with residents clearing snow from their property. The Assemblyman was shocked to see the level of devastation endured by the Grizzly Flats community. He agreed with Supervisor Turnboo that more needs to be done to help the residents of Grizzly Flats recover from the Caldor Fire.


A key focus of the discussion held between Assemblyman Joe Patterson and Supervisor George Turnboo centered around building regulations that would inhibit or hurt the ability of Grizzly Flats residents to rebuild. The two discussed methods and strategies to help alleviate regulations at the county and state levels for residents impacted by the Caldor Fire. Supervisor Turnboo stressed the importance of saving costs for Grizzly Flats residents. The Supervisor also reiterated his commitment to fight for FEMA Individual Assistance to be provided for victims of the Caldor Fire.


Joe Patterson Tour

Learn more about Assemblyman Joe Patterson

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Caldor Fire Road Repair


El Dorado County Seal

The Caldor Fire Road Repair Project is coming this year. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has been planning the road repair ever since the residents have returned to the impacted areas. During the Caldor Fire and subsequent clean-up effort, high traffic volumes of heavy vehicles has degraded roads that serve as access to impacted areas. Grizzly Flats roads have deteriorated considerably in recent months, which led to serious discussions surrounding underground infrastructure and road repairs. DOT has been patiently waiting for utilities to complete their related undergrounding of infrastructure before proceeding to repave the road, so that the new road can be smooth and avoid being altered for undergrounding of infrastructure. The Caldor Fire Road Repair Project is one of many DOT Projects that benefit our largest asset in El Dorado County and is greatly needed for Grizzly Flats roads impacted by the Caldor Fire.


Review Department of Transportation Projects

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Ending The "Let It Burn" Policy


U.S. Congress

Congressman Tom McClintock brought H.R. 934 to the floor of congress, which was then referred to the Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry. H.R. 934 requires the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out activities to suppress wildfire. The legislation would prevent the U.S. Forest Service (USDA) from allowing wildfires to burn without immediate suppression. While it seems like common sense to NOT “let it burn” on forest land, there has been efforts by the U.S. Forest Service to allow wildfires to burn as an affordable alternative to hiring labor for mastication and other forest management. Supervisor George Turnboo has been working with Tom McClintock to end the “let it burn” policy held by the U.S. Forest Service. Supervisor Turnboo wrote formal letters of support for H.R. 934 to all California Congresspersons and all U.S. Senators. With the passage of H.R. 934, the residents of El Dorado County will be better protected from wildfire.


Learn more from Congressman Tom McClintock

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Clean California with Caltrans


Clean California

Caltrans District 3 is promoting Clean California Community Days where residents are encouraged to participate in litter collection, graffiti removal, tree plantings, and other activities to include ongoing efforts by Caltrans along California’s roadways and waterways. While events can be scheduled between March 17th and 27th, the BIG Clean California Day of Action will be on Saturday, March 25th. An event map provides additional locations for participation. The effort is in response to the environmental impacts of litter along roadways and in our communities. Caltrans aims to educate residents about the social and economic impacts of litter and pollution to move Californians toward protecting our state’s natural resources. Information is available from Caltrans Public Information Officer Kevin Murphy at (530) 812-7282 or by email at Kevin.Murphy@dot.ca.gov.


Learn more about Clean California with Caltrans

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Household Hazardous Waste Event


Household Hazardous Waste Event

El Dorado County accepts certain household hazardous waste from local residents. The Environmental Management Department provides information regarding what constitutes household hazardous waste, and the proper ways of disposing the waste. On March 18th, El Dorado County will host another household hazardous waste collection event by appointment only. To participate in the upcoming waste collection event, please contact the Environmental Management Department directly by phone at (530) 621-5300 or by email at hhw@edcgov.us to schedule an appointment.


When: March 18th, 2023, from 9am to 12pm




Faith Episcopal Church

2200 Country Club Drive

Cameron Park, CA 95682


Scheduled Appointment Required.


Learn more about Hazardous Waste Collection

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March 2023 Free Food Calendar



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