Millbrae Road Project
Shortly after Supervisor Turnboo was elected, he began identifying storm-water projects that would improve water flow. One such project was along Millbrae Road in Cameron Park. The Department of Transportation managed the work after Supervisor Turnboo identified the project. The residents along Millbrae Road have experienced flooding for decades, so it was important to Supervisor Turnboo that the project be completed as soon as possible. George followed-up on the project with Brian, a local resident, to ensure the project was working as expected. This project is an example of many projects that make up the Cameron Park drainage.
Learn More About DOT Road Maintenance
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EDWA Stormwater Projects
El Dorado Water Agency (EDWA) has put forward a Stormwater Resource Initiative recognizing the interconnection of various water management challenges and the importance of integrated, multi-benefit projects. This understanding and subsequent approach helps address many water resource challenges in El Dorado County, including reducing the water supply-demand imbalance, reducing localized.
flooding, improving water quality, and providing environmental protection and habitat enhancement.
EDWA partnered with Cameron Park CSD and El Dorado Hills CSD respectively to facilitate Cameron Park drainage improvements. The drainage improvements will address the occurrence of critical flooding due to inadequate and aging infrastructure, clean clogged ditches and drains, and add infrastructure to areas that experience critical flooding. El Dorado County and El Dorado Water Agency are working together to provide greater safety with storm-water drainage and low-level flooding. The improvements to Cameron Park drainage will enhance the quality of life for all residents.
Learn More About El Dorado Water Agency Projects
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EDC 2023 Storm Information
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DOT Road Signage Enhanced
Supervisor Turnboo has received many requests for road maintenance, speed reductions and road safety measures. While many requests are prevented by Federal and State Law, there are steps that the Department of Transportation (DOT) can take to ensure greater safety along the roadways. One example is larger road signs that are more visible to drivers on the road. Supervisor Turnboo has been encouraging DOT to install larger signage when other methods of traffic mitigation are impossible. The pedestrian sign on Cambridge Road in Cameron Park was doubled in size from 24” to 48” and vegetation cleared to make the sign more visible. Please be on the lookout for larger road signs around El Dorado County and thank the Department of Transportation for their hard work keeping us moving.
Review the List of County Maintained Roads
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Emergency Preparedness and Response
El Dorado County Chief Administrative Office (CAO) is charged with remaining prepared for emergency. The mission is to prepare El Dorado County to effectively respond to public health threats. Preparations include planning for health disasters, natural disasters, utility failures and local hazards. The CAO coordinates with Health & Human Services Agency (HHSA), Public Health Division, Environmental Management and El Dorado County Office of Emergency Services (OES). The CAO recommends that residents be informed, be prepared, get involved, and engage in training. Community Partner Information is available, and a brief explanation of planning and response is provided.
Learn More From El Dorado County CAO
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