Emergencies can happen when we least expect it and are least prepared. El Dorado County provides several emergency services to help local residents when they need it most. Emergency services range from medical response to road maintenance related issues. The county works with local departments and agencies to provide the highest possible response to emergencies. Please notify the respective services when you witness an emergency.
Emergency Services
For immediate medical emergencies, call 911.
Emergency Medical Services: (530) 521-6500
Emergency Law Enforcement: (530) 626-4911
Emergency Preparedness and Response: (530) 621-7560
Emergency Road Maintenance Related Issues: (530) 642-4909
Crisis Information
Live Violence Free: (530) 544-4444
West Slope Crisis Hotline: (530) 622-3345
South Lake Tahoe Crisis Hotline: (530) 544-2219
The Center for Violence Free Relationships:
(530) 626-1131 or (916) 939-6616
Learn more about El Dorado County Emergency Services