El Dorado County District 2 Newsletter

George Turnboo - District 2 Supervisor

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Caldor Fire Support Event


California Phones: Easier to Hear, Dial and Call

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Air Quality Incentives

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Dealing with Disproportionate DUI's

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County Emergency Information


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Caldor Fire Support Event

Food Bank of El Dorado County

The Food Bank of El Dorado County is hosting an even on Saturday, April 30th, 2022 from 5pm to 7pm, for all residents to come together in support of our neighbors impacted by the Caldor Fire. The Food Bank encourages the local community to participate and show how much they care. The event is not a fundraiser, and the Food Bank will not be accepting monetary donations. Individuals, businesses, service clubs, government agencies and non-profit organizations can request a booth for the event by contacting Kim McPherson directly at (530) 621-9950 or by email at thefooddude@foodbankedc.org. Together we can show the Caldor Fire survivors how much the local communities truly care.


Caldor Fire Survivors must be registered to receive monetary assistance. Please contact Kim McPherson directly at (530) 621-9950 to register.


When: April 30th, 2022 from 5pm to 7pm


Food Bank of El Dorado County 4550 Business Drive Cameron Park, CA 95682


Learn more about the Food Bank of El Dorado County

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California Phones: Easier To Hear, Dial and Call

Seal of the State of California

Communication is an important part of life. Being able to communicate empowers individuals to increase their standard of living. Some people have problems with modern communication devices, such as phones, because they suffer from difficulty hearing, seeing or mobility issues. California Phones offers a wide variety of phones and devices through the California Telephone Access Program (CTAP). California Phones can find the right combination of devices to facilitate any individuals specific needs. Contact the CTAP Contact Center directly at (800) 806-1191 or by email at info@californiaphones.org. To request a free presentation or event, call (800) 995-6831. Apply today for a free California Phone that empowers individuals to communicate better.


Learn more about California Phones specialized equipment

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Air Quality Incentives

Wood Stove Replacement

El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) is responsible for air quality in our region, which includes outdoor burning permits. AQMD offers a number of incentives and grants, to help residents raise their standard of living while encouraging cleaner air to breathe. Incentive programs include: woodstove replacement, clean lawnmower, drive clean and heavy-duty low emissions vehicle. Grant programs include: EV Supply Equipment, Carl Moyer, PG&E Generator and Battery Rebates, FARMER, Diesel vehicles complying with ARB Regulations, Gas Dispensing Facilities and VW Mitigation Trust. Call El Dorado County AQMD directly (530) 621-7501 or email at aqmd@edcgov.usto get started with incentives and grants.


El Dorado County AQMD
330 Fair Lane
Placerville, CA 95667


Hours: Monday-Friday from 8am-Noon and 1pm to 5pm
Phone: (530) 621-7501
Email: aqmd@edcgov.us


Learn more about El Dorado County AQMD

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Dealing with Disproportionate DUI's

CHP Seal

El Dorado County has been experiencing an increase in the number of highway and road fatalities or serious injuries resulting from vehicle collisions that were the result of driving under the influence (DUI). The increase in fatalities is alarming, and underscores the need for greater response as tourism brings more vehicles into our region. The uptick in fatalities has created cause for concern with the local California Highway Patrol (CHP) offices located in Placerville. The CHP has sought and was awarded, a 12-month grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety to help the Placerville CHP better educate drivers in our region. The grant will fund a DUI public education campaign, as well as enhanced enforcement operations, to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries that are the result of DUI collisions. The CHP also established a Task Force to help identify and develop strategies and countermeasures for impaired driving. The program began operations on October 1st, 2021, and will continue until September 30th, 2022.


CHP: Safely Report Suspected Drivers Under the Influence

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County Emergency Information

County Seal

Emergencies can happen when we least expect it, and are least prepared. El Dorado County provides several emergency services to help local residents when they need it most. Emergency services range from medical response, to road maintenance related issues. The county works with local departments and agencies to provide the highest possible response to emergencies. Please notify the respective services when you witness an emergency.


Emergency Services


For immediate medical emergencies, call 911.


Emergency Medical Services: (530) 521-6500


Emergency Law Enforcement: (530) 626-4911


Emergency Preparedness and Response: (530) 621-7560


Emergency Road Maintenance Related Issues: (530) 642-4909



Crisis Information


Live Violence Free: (530) 544-4444


West Slope Crisis Hotline: (530) 622-3345


South Lake Tahoe Crisis Hotline: (530) 544-2219


The Center for Violence Free Relationships:


(530) 626-1131 or (916) 939-6616



Learn more about El Dorado County Emergency Services

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April 2022 Free Food Calendar