Air Quality Paves the Way |
The El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) has been awarded two Targeted Airshed Grants (TAG) from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce the generation of airborne particulate matter (PM). Approximately $812,000 of awarded funding will be passed through to the El Dorado County Department of Transportation (DOT) for new paving projects. Paving dusty dirt roads helps tremendously in eliminating particulate matter that occurs when a vehicle drives down the road. El Dorado County AQMD works to maintain the quality of air in our region, so they focus on areas that diminish air quality, including unpaved roads.
The unpaved portions of Sandridge, Oriental and Bear Creek roads will be paved with the first TAG grant. Afterwards, the unpaved portions of South Street, Luneman, Mount Murphy, Russel Hollow, Tullis Mine and Sweeny roads will also be paved with the second Tag grant. South Street, Oriental, Bear Creek and Luneman roads are located within Naturally Occurring Asbestos Areas, so paving will help prevent asbestos PM. Once completed these paving projects are estimated to reduce PM emissions from vehicle travel and windblown dust by 42 tons per year. The end result will be nicer roads and cleaner air to breathe.
Learn more about El Dorado County AQMD
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El Dorado Transit is Hiring |
El Dorado Transit is hosting a hiring event on February 24th, which includes an open house, tours and refreshments. Great opportunity for local residents to see El Dorado Transit operations and opportunities. The positions available for hire include Equipment Technician, Transit Operator and Transit Dispatcher. Special licenses or certifications does not preclude hiring, since training is available for most positions. El Dorado Transit currently offers a hiring incentive bonus of up to $1,000 for qualifying hires. For questions or more information, contact El Dorado Transit directly at (530) 642-5383 or by email at info@eldoradotransit.com.
When: February 24th, 2022, from 1pm to 7pm
El Dorado Transit
6565 Commerce Way
Diamond Springs, CA 95619
Find more opportunities with El Dorado Transit
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Vita Free Tax Assistance |
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, sponsored by the United Way, is offering free tax preparation services for residents whose annual income is $66,000 or less. The volunteer tax counselors are trained and certified by the IRS to provide free tax preparation services. Federal and State tax returns will be electronically filed using TaxSlayer tax preparation software. To make a tax preparation appointment call (530) 497-0380 and leave a message with your contact information, or email eldorado.vita@gmail.com. A representative will call you back to schedule the tax preparation appointment.
When: Until April 15th 2022, every Friday from 9am to 3pm
Placerville Senior Center
937 Spring St
Placerville, CA 95667
Learn more about VITA Free Tax Prep
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Caldor Fire Recovery Updates |
On February 8th, Supervisor Turnboo brought forth an agenda item as an additional effort to encourage FEMA to provide Individual Assistance to victims of the Caldor Fire. The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to determine next steps in the process to receive FEMA Individual Assistance. El Dorado County will team up with interested stakeholders within the local community, county and state government to form a united and strong effort to receive FEMA Individual Assistance. This action taken by the Board represents another attempt by El Dorado County to convince President Biden to keep his promise of helping victims of the Caldor Fire.
The Caldor Fire recovery process has begun slowly. Many residents participated in the Consolidated Debris Removal Program by filling out a Right of Entry (ROE) form. Residents can track the progress of Caldor Fire debris removal as it begins moving through different phases. In addition, El Dorado County provides Weekly Status Reports regarding Caldor Fire recovery operations. U.S. Forest Service and CAL-FIRE also provide Caldor Fire recovery updates. For comments or questions about the Caldor Fire Recovery process, contact EDC Caldor Recovery at (530) 621-5101 or by email at edccaldorrecovery@edcgov.us.
Learn more about Caldor Fire Recovery
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Pacific Gas & Electric Product Rebates |
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Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event |
El Dorado County accepts certain household hazardous waste from local residents. The Environmental Management Department provides information regarding what constitutes household hazardous waste, and the proper ways of disposing the waste. On February 19th, El Dorado County will host another household hazardous waste collection event by appointment only. To participate in the upcoming waste collection event, please contact the Environmental Management Department directly by phone at (530) 621-5300 or by email at hhw@edcgov.us to schedule an appointment.
When: February 19th 2022, from 9am to 12pm
Fire Station 86
3670 Bass Lake Road
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Scheduled Appointment Required.
Learn more about Hazardous Waste Collection
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