Bayside Christmas Eve Giveaway |
On December 24th, 2021 from Noon to 4:30pm the Bayside Church of Placerville is hosting a holiday season bicycle giveaway for Caldor Fire Victims and/or McKinney-Vento Students. Gently used and refurbished bicycles will be available with brand new helmets of all sizes. Bicycles, helmets and other gifts will also be provided while supplies last. The bicycle giveaway is sponsored in part by District Church, Rotary Club of Cameron Park, El Dorado County Office of Education and Bayside Church of Placerville.
Santa will be available for visits and photos.
Learn more from the Bayside Church of Placerville
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Food Bank Holiday Outreach |
The Food Bank of El Dorado County will be hosting its annual Holiday Outreach Program on Saturday December 18th, at the Food Bank distribution facility. Holiday assistance is for recipients who are low income and struggling to make ends meet. If you are homebound, please email your request to info@foodbankedc.org.
The Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians and Straight Line Construction will join the community of donors by sponsoring the Holiday Outreach Program. The Tribal Fire Department, the Tribal Police Department and the El Dorado County Sheriff Star Volunteers will partner with the Food Bank of El Dorado County to make deliveries to homebound residents.
Eligible individuals should arrive at the Food Bank during their scheduled time. Individuals may only pick up for one family. To determine your scheduled time, match the first letter of your last name with the times shown below:
A-G — 8-10 a.m.
H-M — 10 a.m. to noon
N-S — noon to 2 p.m.
T-Z — 2-4 p.m.
No pre-registration is required.
Food Bank Distribution Facility
4550 Business Drive
Cameron Park, CA 95682
(530) 621-9950
Learn more from the Food Bank of El Dorado County
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Vacation Home Rental (VHR) |
Vacation Home Rental (VHR) properties have become popular in El Dorado County as wealthy residents from across California have been purchasing property to rent on a short term basis, often through mobile apps such as AirBNB or VRBO. These VHR properties are capitalizing on the ever increasing tourism of El Dorado County. The County Planning Department offers a County VHR Website to assist the local VHR industry. The County VHR staff can be contacted directly at 530-621-5355or emailed at vhrpermits@edcgov.us. Scheduling an appointment is also available for meetings in-person or by phone.
On Tuesday, August 24th, 2021, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors adopted a new VHR Ordinance adding a 500 foot buffer around all active VHR permits. The 500 foot buffer went into effect October 1st. However, pre-existing VHR permits in good standing are not affected. The reason for the buffer is noise complaints, among other complaints about VHR properties. To file a complaint about a VHR, contact 530-573-3300 or email vhrcomplaints@edcgov.us and share details about the VHR property, including your contact information. Anonymous complaints are not accepted, and complaint contact information is not shared. See County VHR Complaints Website for a more in-depth explanation of the process.
El Dorado County Planning Department has several resources to learn more about the VHR industry. Frequently Asked Questions, Locator Map, Rental Fees and VHR Code Enforcement are available, along with an updated Inspection Checklist, Meeting Details, Application Form and Application Wait List. The VHR Ordinance represents the current County VHR requirements, regulations and standards.
Learn more about Vacation Home Rental (VHR)
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Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) |
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Department of Transportation (DOT) |
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