Pacific Gas & Electric Promotions |
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) is promoting several programs that may benefit residents of El Dorado County. Programs that PG&E is promoting include Back-Up Power, Battery Storage, Weather Awareness, PSPS Shut-off Alerts and Address Alerts. In addition, PG&E offers a Safety Action Center to help residents begin engaging in wildfire preparedness.
Preparing for any emergency can be a daunting task. Fire presents unique challenges to emergency plans, due to the unpredictability of fires. To help local residents with preparation for fire, PG&E is promoting a program entitled “7 Saturdays to a More Fire-Resistant Home” which details steps that residents can take to better prepare for fire. Further questions or concerns about Wildfire Safety can be directed to wildfiresafety@pge.com.
Learn more about promotions from PG&E
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El Dorado County Historical Museum |
The El Dorado County Historical Museum started in 1974 and is supported in part, by the County of El Dorado. The Museum focuses on the rich cultural history of our region. Residents can take a virtual tour with El Dorado County Historical Museum director and curator Mary Cory. Special exhibits about gold miners, individual rights, railroads and more are available online. For specific research, residents can fill out a Research Request Form. The Historical Museum offers a list of places to visit that also hold historic importance for our region. Museum Commission agendas and minutes are also available and Museum Administrator can be reached at (530) 621-5828 or contact the museum directly.
Learn more from the El Dorado County Historical Museum
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El Dorado County Office of Education |
El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE) supports the education needs of students in El Dorado County. The goal of the Office of Education is to deliver responsible, cost-effective centralized services to meet regulatory and educational standards in a safe, successful, educational environment for all students. They offer several administrative services including Business Services, Information Technology and Facilities, Maintenance and Operations. The Education Services available include K-12 Educational Programs, Child Development Services, Special Services and Support Services. Family Engagement is encouraged and Curriculum, Instruction & Accountability Contacts are made available as well. The current County Superintendent of Schools is Dr. Ed Manansala and can be contacted at (530) 295-2229 or emanansala@edcoe.org.
Learn more from the El Dorado County Office of Education
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El Dorado County Code |
The codification of county ordinances is an essential function of government, because it provides a body of current, enforceable laws, in a manner that is easy to use and reference. El Dorado County Code represents the general wisdom of government in our region, and outlines expectations of the residents as they grow and prosper. El Dorado County uses County Code to deal with maintaining public health and safety, zoning, public behavior and general welfare. The County Code is enforced by the Code Enforcement Department. Residents are encouraged to review and reference the Code of Ordinances to gain a more complete understanding of requirements, expectations and limitations as they work and play in El Dorado County.
El Dorado County Code of Ordinances
El Dorado County Code Enforcement
Contact Code Enforcement For Specific Concerns
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Social Media Resources |
Social media has become one of the primary ways that people communicate and get news information. To keep up with the changing cultural expectations, El Dorado County has created a Social Media Hub as a resource for social media communications. On the Social Media Hub, there are several links to the social media presence of specific departments, agencies and libraries. Residents are encouraged to respectfully engage with staff on social media where applicable, to let their voice be heard.
El Dorado County Government Facebook Page
District 2 Supervisor Turnboo Facebook Page
Learn more about El Dorado County Social Media Hub
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