Wildfire Awareness Month |
The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors has declared May as Wildfire Awareness Month. Residents should know what to do before a wildfire occurs, and prepare with proper vegetation management. El Dorado County Fire Safe Council provides more ways to participate in community decisions regarding wildfire. Residents are encouraged to find their local Fire Safe Council or start a Fire Safe Council where necessary. Residents are also encouraged to locate Fire Departments in El Dorado County and create an evacuation plan. Due to fine particulate matter, wildfire smoke can cause health problems, and requires taking precautionary measures. El Dorado County Disaster Preparedness and Response provides a number of ways for residents to be prepared, informed, involved, planned and specialized trained if needed. Wildfire is a danger in El Dorado County, and must be dealt with accordingly.
Learn more about fire management from the U.S. Forest Service
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El Dorado Water Agency |
The El Dorado Water Agency (EDWA) was created in 1959 to ensure that residents of El Dorado County have adequate water. The EDWA maintains water systems to store, conserve, reclaim, appropriate, and import water. The agency also works with other federal, state and local agencies to prevent interference or contamination of water sources, as well as performing studies or investigations, and water sales transactions. EDWA provides a project map, newsroom and resources for residents to monitor agency activities. Residents are encouraged to contact EDWA or sign-up for the newsletter.
Supervisor Turnboo is an active member of EDWA.
Learn more about the El Dorado Water Agency
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Free Waste Tire Disposal |
Did you know that you can bring your old, used waste tires to the El Dorado Disposal Material Recovery Facility for FREE? That's right! CalRecycle has a grant funded program, open to residential customers only (no businesses), that allows El Dorado County residents to bring up to 9 tires per visit, no larger than 24 inches (inside diameter), on or off rim, any day of the week to the Material Recovery Facility (MRF), free of charge. Better hurry though, because the offer ends June 30, 2021, or sooner if grant funds run out.
To haul 10-20 waste tires at once, please fill out the Waste Tire Amnesty Event Hauling Exemption Request Form, and return it to emd.info@edcgov.us or the Placerville/South Lake Tahoe office(s) for staff to review.
When: Friday – Sunday (9:00am to 4:00pm)
El Dorado Disposal Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)
4100 Throwita Way Diamond Springs, CA 95619
Phone: (530) 626-4141
Learn more from EDC Environmental Management
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Substance Use Disorder Services |
El Dorado County Public Health Division offers a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) program to prevent and reduce the impact of substance use disorders. Substance Use Disorder Services are available to El Dorado County residents enrolled in Medi-Cal through the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System. The Beneficiary Handbook is available online, or it can be requested by phone or in person. Contact information is below:
24/7 SUD Access Phone: 1 (800) 929-1955
24/7 Mental Health Crisis Hotline:
(530) 622-3345 (West Slope region)
(530) 544-2219 (South Lake Tahoe region)
(West Slope region)
929 Spring Street, Placerville, CA 95667
Phone: (530) 621-6290
Fax: (530) 295-2596
(South Lake Tahoe region)
1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Phone: (530) 573-7970
Fax: (530) 543-6873
Read more about Substance Use Disorder Services
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Caltrans Keeps People Moving |
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) works long hours, all days of the year, and in any weather conditions, to keep people moving. Caltrans is responsible for highway safety and maintenance, such as road repair, emergency response, snow removal, and many other important duties. El Dorado County experiences high volumes of traffic that often require Caltrans to respond for safety concerns. Road work is inherently dangerous, so Caltrans makes safety a priority. The geography of El Dorado County is difficult to navigate, so Caltrans maintained highways are essential for safe and efficient travel.
Caltrans has several management districts, and El Dorado County resides in Caltrans District 3 (Marysville/Sacramento). Caltrans District 3 includes the following California counties: Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba. Public information is available from Caltrans District 3, and Caltrans road information is available at roads.dot.ca.gov. Caltrans can be contacted directly, or residents can submit a non-emergency customer service request. There are also job opportunities to work for Caltrans.
Learn more about Caltrans District 3
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