SOFAR Cohesive Strategy |
The South Fork of the American River (SOFAR) Cohesive Strategy project area includes 410,000 acres in El Dorado County, more than half of which is Eldorado National Forest land. The SOFAR watershed has tremendous need for proactive forest management to help prevent wildfire. In 2014, SOFAR was proposed for implementing the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy, and that same year, 12% of the project area was burned by the King Fire. El Dorado County needs the SOFAR Cohesive Strategy to deal with forest management, to keep our beautiful forest lands, and prevent wildfire. The SOFAR Cohesive Strategy maintains progress toward three primary goals:
- Restoring and maintaining resilient landscapes
- Creating fire-adapted communities
- Responding to wildfires
To accomplish these goals, strategic partnerships are being made to coordinate around focus areas, track progress and report to respective committees. The community is actively engaged in the SOFAR Cohesive Strategy, and a diverse group of individuals and organizations are working collaboratively toward a common interest in preservation. Participation and membership is open to all stakeholders.
Learn more about the SOFAR Cohesive Strategy
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County Parks, Trails and Rivers |
The El Dorado County Parks Division provides many diverse opportunities for wholesome local recreation. The Parks Division is responsible for managing parks, rivers and trails, in addition to providing area mapping and usage reports. Regions under Parks Division management include the Rubicon Trail, the El Dorado Trail and the Sacramento-Placerville Transportation Corridor (STPC) consisting of land formerly owned by the Southern Pacific Railroad. Bike trails are also made available. Local parks under management include:
Parks are open to the public, and select park facility rentals are available. For more information regarding a specific county park or park project, contact the Parks Division directly.
Learn more about the El Dorado County Parks Division
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Property Taxes Due Soon |
Tax season has come again. The El Dorado County Tax Collector is requiring
that property taxes are due April 12th. Residents are able to look-up property taxes owed, how to pay a tax bill, or learn more about property taxes. Changes such as Prop 19 underscore the importance of understanding property value as it relates to taxation. For questions or concerns regarding property taxes, please email taxcollector@edcgov.us or call (530) 621-5800.
Learn more from El Dorado County Tax Collector
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Air Quality Incentives |
The El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) works to limit public exposure to harmful air particulates by tracking air quality in our region. The AQMD website shows the current air quality conditions, and provides links to other important resources, such as permitted outdoor burning dates. In addition to managing permitted outdoor burning, the local AQMD also provides incentives, grants and refunds for specific air quality related programs. Examples of incentives include: woodstove replacement, lawnmower replacement, electric vehicle incentives and other programs to reduce air pollution. Through active engagement with local residents, the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District is working to increase the standard of living.
Learn more about El Dorado County Air Quality Management District
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County Emergency Information |
Emergencies can happen when we least expect it, and are least prepared. El Dorado County provides several emergency services to help local residents when they need it most. Emergency services range from medical response, to road maintenance related issues. The county works with local departments and agencies to provide the highest possible response to emergencies. Please notify the respective services when you witness an emergency.
Emergency Services
For immediate medical emergencies, call 911.
Emergency Medical Services: (530) 521-6500
Emergency Law Enforcement: (530) 626-4911
Emergency Preparedness and Response: (530) 621-7560
Emergency Road Maintenance Related Issues: (530) 642-4909
Crisis Information
Live Violence Free: (530) 544-4444
West Slope Crisis Hotline: (530) 622-3345
South Lake Tahoe Crisis Hotline: (530) 544-2219
The Center for Violence Free Relationships:
(530) 626-1131 or (916) 939-6616
Learn more about El Dorado County Emergency Services
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