Special Edition: Chain Store Urgency Ordinance |
Residents of El Dorado County have been critical of national brand retail chain stores being built in the region. Locals prefer small boutique shops that match the community identity instead of formula-based retail businesses. Supervisor Lori Parlin has been working on a plan concerning a Formula Business Ordinance, to implement as part of the 2021 Work Plan. However, recent applications for specific national brand retail chain stores has caused a need for an urgency ordinance.
Supervisor Parlin and Supervisor Turnboo will be making the following recommendation to the Board:
- Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Urgency Ordinance 5140, pursuant to California Government Code Section 65858 and 65090, to adopt interim restrictions on the establishment of Formula Businesses pending the study and consideration of zoning and other land use regulations pertaining to such businesses, with the ordinance being in effect for forty-five (45) days from the date of adoption, unless extended by the Board; and
- Find that the urgency ordinance is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines 15308, 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3). (4/5 vote required)
The urgency ordinance is being proposed for the Rural Centers in El Dorado County, which include: Camino, Cedar Gove, Coloma, Cool, Fairplay, Garden Valley, Greenwood, Georgetown, Gray’s Corner, Grizzly Flat, Kelsey, Kyburz, Latrobe, Little Norway, Lotus, Mosquito, Mount Ralston, Mount Aukum, Nashville, Oak Hill, Phillips, Pilot Hill, Pleasant Valley, Pollock Pines, Quintette, Rescue, Somerset, Strawberry, and Chrome Ridge.
Supervisor Parlin and Supervisor Turnboo will be bringing this item to the Board in response to an overwhelming outcry from local residents. Locals have expressed concerns that national brand retail chain stores use formulas to derive their business plans, which locals believe will diminish the unique rural character of El Dorado County. Locals worry that introducing non-unique standardized establishments will displace small businesses, and encourage more displacement. Without proper regulation, formulaic businesses could negatively impact Rural Centers and Rural Regions in El Dorado County, decreasing natural diversity, obfuscating rural authenticity and reducing the quality of life for residents and visitors.
The agenda details and documents that will be presented to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors are available online under File #21-0378:
Please email the Clerk of the Board at edc.cob@edcgov.us to let us know if you support the proposed urgency ordinance to restrict chain stores in Rural Centers. The Clerk will forward your email to all 5 Supervisors and add it to the public record. Do not email information that you do not want in the public record.
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