El Dorado County District 2 Newsletter

George Turnboo - District 2 Supervisor

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Thank You El Dorado County

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The Bald Eagle Unveiled

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Latest COVID Updates

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Upcoming Budget Matters

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El Dorado Transit Rides Again


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Thank You El Dorado County

"Thank you El Dorado County for electing me as District 2 Supervisor. I love the people and rural lifestyle that we all enjoy in El Dorado County. If you have concerns, and live in District 2, please feel free to reach out to me or my assistants. My goal is to best represent District 2 and all residents of El Dorado County."


- George Turnboo
El Dorado County
District 2 Supervisor
(530) 621-5651


"George's News" is the unofficial name of the District 2 Newsletter, with updates from Supervisor Turnboo, and will be sent out on the 15th and 30th of each month.

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The Bald Eagle Unveiled

The County Sheriff's Dept. recently unveiled a beautifully sculpted bald eagle. The statue brings significance to El Dorado County as it represents the United States iconic symbol and our nation’s emblem. The unveiling ceremony was a peaceful and ceremonial gathering, to remember those we have lost, and to work towards a better future. Special thanks to the Sheriff's Dept. for hosting the event.


Read more in the Mt. Democrat:

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Latest COVID Updates

Many people are wondering where to get the COVID vaccine. We are here to help in any way that we can. We can help by answering the most common questions concerning the COVID vaccine.


Where do I get information about the COVID vaccine?
El Dorado County Health and Human Services is providing online resources for the latest County related updates concerning the vaccine rollout. Some of these updates include vaccine inventory, vaccine maker, and the rollout process.


Learn more from Health and Human Services:


Where do I get the COVID vaccine?
There are several retail and County locations to get the COVID vaccine. Be aware, there is considerable demand for the COVID vaccine and a limited supply. Be sure to read all the instructions related to the specific location that you wish to visit to receive a COVID vaccine.


Learn more from Health and Human Services:

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Upcoming Budget Matters

Department budget briefings will begin February 2nd. The department budget briefings are where County departments discuss their budgets with the Board of Supervisors. George takes these budgets very serious. As we begin the process of being briefed on department budgets, George will be looking for a few things in particular, such as:

- Road Funding: It's time to prioritize road maintenance, including cleaning drainages and vegetation.

- Senior Services: Many Senior services are in need of attention, since many have been halted.

- Revenue Sources: Reviewing sources of funding and the impact on tax-payers.


Learn more from the Chief Administrative Office:

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El Dorado Transit Rides Again

George recently visited with El Dorado Transit to get an overview of their operations. Many people may not know that El Dorado Transit is running and picking up passengers again. New touch-less technology makes riding around town safe and easy. For longer trips, El Dorado Transit also connects to other transportation services using the same pass service for fares. Please be kind and respectful toward our El Dorado Transit, because they really do help people get where they need to go.


Schedule and Services:

Fares and Passes:


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