Culver City Asks...What are your Priority Transportation Projects in our Community and Region?
City of Culver City sent this bulletin at 10/01/2020 04:31 PM PDT
Culver City Asks...What are your Transportation Priorities?
Feedback needed on the Westside's Multi-Year Project List
Share your transportation priorities and determine the future by visiting the digital platform and leaving your comments in the feedback section. Comments can also be submitted via email to the WSCCOG Project Director at Make your voice heard by sharing your thoughts by the Saturday, October 3 at 11:59 p.m. deadline.
Why should I participate?
Your input can help us determine which projects are up next in the Active Transportation 1st and Last Mile Connection Program.
The Westside Cities Council of Governments (WSCCOG) is currently developing a preliminary list of projects and a 5-Year Plan for its Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) under Measure M (Los Angeles Metro's 2016 funding measure). Based on the projects and priorities identified in the 2020 WSCCOG Mobility Study, as well as the projects identified in the 2015 Westside Cities Mobility Matrix, WSCCOG has developed a preliminary list of projects for the first MSP expenditure plan under Measure M. WSCCOG has approximately $27 million to program in this first expenditure plan. As specified in the Westside Cities Mobility Matrix Guidelines, the WSCCOG has designated these MSP funds for the category of Active Transportation/1st and Last Mile Connection Program. Per Metro’s requirements, the projects on the MSP Project List must be ready to implement.
The projects for Culver City are on current work programs and anticipated to be implemented in the next few years.
Washington Transit/Mobility Lanes + Circulator/First Last Mile Service Program - This project will design and implement mobility lanes (shared bus-bike lanes) on Culver Boulevard and Washington Boulevard in Downtown Culver City and the Metro E-Line Culver City Station area to demonstrate and enhance transit service efficiency and reliability and provide bike facilities separate from the general traffic. The project will also implement a Circulator service in the area that will leverage the mobility lanes for a fast and reliable service.
Microtransit/First Last Mile Service Program- MicroTransit is an innovative transportation mode that provides on-demand shared rides in smaller vehicles for short trips to complement existing transit services and enhance mobility. Culver City is partnering with LA Metro to implement a Culver City MicroTransit pilot that will be part of the regional Microtransit program to provide a seamless transit experience for riders. Additional information on the Culver City Microtransit pilot will become available in the future. See Metro’s Website for additional information on Metro’s MicroTransit Pilot program.
Overland Class II & IV with Pedestrian Improvements - The current route lacks continuous bicycle facilities which, combined with wide and inconsistent roadway cross sections, high auto traffic volumes and speeds, and long distances between protected crossings, creates barriers in both perceived and real safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. The project narrows 23,740 vehicle lane-miles and improves pedestrian facilities with additional street lighting, ADA-compliant curb ramps, crosswalk markings, a new HAWK signal, wayfinding signage, street furniture and street trees. The Project includes a major safety-related redesign of the confusing, un-signalized five-legged intersection of Kelmore/Ranch/Overland, just north of El Rincon Elementary. First /last mile needs are met with new access, signage, and bicycle parking at the Transit Center.
WSCCOG and the consultant team (Fehr & Peers and Arellano Associates) developed a digital online platform that shows the projects that have been selected for this first MSP Project List, which would receive funding for implementation between now and Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24. The map and table provide project details. Click on elements in the map to learn more about each specific project. This project list must be approved by the WSCCOG Board, reviewed by Metro Staff, and adopted by the Metro Board before a project can be funded and implemented. Therefore, this platform is the first step in the process of adopting a final expenditure plan for Measure M MSP funds through FY 23-24. This proposed MSP List will be agendized for discussion and approval at the upcoming WSCCOG Board Meeting on Thursday, October 8, 2020.
The Westside Cities Council of Governments (WSCCOG), a joint powers authority created by the cities of Beverly Hills, Culver City, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, the City of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles, recently adopted an updated Westside Mobility Study. The update identified inter-jurisdictional investment priorities that address issues for all transportation modes, improve access to the Westside for disadvantaged communities, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and promote social equity.