Let's make a Culver City connection and talk soon. We’ll call you!
You Are Not Alone
Do You Need a Volunteer?
1. Thank You, Volunteers!
Amid COVID-19, Californians are still safely helping their communities by donating blood, supporting food banks, assembling hygiene kits, delivering meals to seniors, and checking in. During National Volunteer Week, thank a volunteer and become one! Visit the City's Coronavirus webpage to learn more about how you can help.
2. Domestic Violence Resources
For people experiencing domestic violence amid the Safer at Home Order, there are services and resources available 24/7 for those who need it. You are not alone.
L.A. County’s Domestic Violence Services remain available. Shelters are open and accepting people. If you are a victim of domestic violence and need help, resources include:
Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 978-3600
You can also dial 2-1-1 any time to get connected with services and support in your area or visit 211la.org/domestic-violence.
Call or text 9-1-1. The Culver City Police Department is still responding to domestic violence calls, and Emergency Protective Orders are still being issued.
As of this morning, free, same-day tests are available for all LA County residents, including CulverCity residents, who have COVID-19 symptoms. Symptoms include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. If you or a loved is experiencing symptoms, please know the following factors do not affect eligibility for a COVID-19 test:
Immigration status
Insurance status
Underlying health issues
To ensure sites can prioritize people who need it most, ONLY people who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms AND have made an appointment, are eligible for testing at this time.
4. Let's make a Culver City connection and talk soon. We’ll call YOU!
We want you to know that we are here for you. If you or another Culver City resident would like a check-in call for a quick chat, let us know. Our friendly City staff are making weekly phone calls to any residents 18 and older just to say “hi," see how you are doing, or offer information and resources. You don’t need a reason—we’ll call you. If you would like to sign-up for the weekly phone call program, give us a ring at (310) 253-6890.
If you or someone you know has a non-emergency, non-medical need related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and you would like assistance from a volunteer, please email the City or call the City’s Coronavirus Hotline at (310) 253-6890 (7:30 AM to 5:30 PM). If you email or leave a message at the Hotline after hours, please include your name, address, phone number, email address, and your need. In an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.