Media Release - American Canyon High School student arrested on campus for possession of a firearm

Media Release

For Immediate Release

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American Canyon High School student

arrested on campus for possession of a firearm

AMERICAN CANYON, Calif., June 3, 2024, 3:15 PM - On June 3, 2024, shortly after 11:30 A.M., eighteen-year-old American Canyon High School student Hansra Avtar was observed by school staff having an odor of marijuana. Staff suspected Avtar was under the influence of marijuana and notified the school resource officer. Avtar was detained by the officer, as he tried to walk away from campus, and searched at the request of school. A marijuana vape pen was found on Avtar’s person. The officer obtained Avtar’s car keys and searched the vehicle he drove to school and parked on campus. A loaded Glock 9mm unregistered firearm was found under Avtar’s driver’s seat. Avtar was arrested on campus and booked into the Napa County Department of Corrections for possession of concentrated cannabis and a possession of an unregistered firearm.

School staff and parents were notified of the arrest Monday afternoon. There is no current threat to students or staff based on this incident.

6.3.24 ACHS Incident