Media Release: American Canyon Awards Clarence Mamaril Gateway Volunteer of the Year

Media Release

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American Canyon Awards Clarence Mamaril
Gateway Volunteer of the Year

AMERICAN CANYON, Calif., May 2, 2023, American Canyon hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Event on April 29, 2023, to show its appreciation for the numerous nonprofit and community organizations whose hard work, dedication, and countless volunteer hours help make American Canyon the best place to live, work, and play. American Canyon could not provide many of the well-attended programs, services, and community events without these partnerships.   

At the April 29 event, more than 100 local nonprofits and community organizations attendees enjoyed a Kentucky Derby-themed celebration. The community nominated eight individuals for the esteemed American Canyon Gateway Volunteer of the Year Award, including Jenesis Diwa, Sam Link, Lydia Zhou, Clarence Mamaril, Jaymie Hall, Janelle Sellick, Arvind Nischal, and Jan Kuhl.   

A committee comprised of American Canyon City Council Members and past Gateway Award recipients selected Clarence Mamaril as the 2023 American Canyon Gateway Volunteer of the Year. Mr. Mamaril received multiple nominations for his work as the American Canyon Arts Foundation President, American Canyon Parks and Community Services Commissioner, Kiwanis of American Canyon Board Member, American Canyon Chamber of Commerce Board Member, California Association of Parks and Recreation Member, Filipino Community of American Canyon Advisory Board Member, and his community service through the American Canyon Community & Parks Foundation, Filipino Life and Generation Group (FLAGG), and as a musician in the local Jammin Fil-Ams Band.    

"Clarence embodies what a Volunteer should be--he shows up and engages. Beyond his involvement, he is also level-headed, calm, and thoughtful in his approach to community engagement. These can be very important skills when one considers all the different personalities of a diverse community! He's everywhere! Clarence adds smiles to every event with his music, costumes, and balloon animals. Because he's on so many local boards, he pulls organizations together for community events. What he does with his time is noble. All in all, Clarence has created a tremendous impact on this community and is a perfect representation of a man who loves his community and works hard to improve it." said the community members who nominated Clarence Mamaril for the American Canyon Gateway Volunteer of the Year Award.    

Clarence Mamaril