I hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful weather we have been having. As we are approaching the end of the school year and families travel during summer break, I would like to remind the community to take extra precautions, lock their residences, set burglar alarms, and park vehicles inside the garage to prevent catalytic converter theft. Notify your neighborhood watch groups if you are leaving town so they can help keep an eye out for any suspicious activity #seesomethingsaysomething. One last tip is to avoid the temptation of sharing your vacation pictures on social media until after you return from the trip. Criminals are savvy and will monitor this, realizing you are not going home for an extended time.
Unfortunately, with the arrival of summer, the beginning of fire season is upon us, as many of us know. At the beginning of this month, the American Canyon Police Department and American Canyon Fire Protection District met with leaders of Napa Fire Wise. We hope that community members will get involved in this great organization and form their own Fire Safe Council. See the below information on how you can become involved in the community.
Prepare for Wildfires Today!
Make American Canyon Fire Safe with Napa Firewise!
Now is the time to prepare for the next wildfire – before it happens. The Napa Communities Firewise Foundation (Napa Firewise / NCFF) is the go-to resource for your fire preparedness checklist to protect your home and community. Napa Firewise serves over 20 local Fire Safe Councils throughout Napa County and is currently working with American Canyon residents to set up their Fire Safe Council.
Rick Greenberg Chief of Police
COAD Meet Your Neighbor
Meet Your Neighbor (MYN) -formerly known as Map Your Neighborhood- is a unique program that brings neighbors together to plan for emergencies. The program walks you and your neighbors through a process to identify your neighborhood's strengths and needs and how to better prepare together for all potential hazards. Check out the COAD website for more information!
Click on Images Below to View the "Safer" Series of Tips. Hard Copies are Available at the Police Department. |