Dear Community Partner,
Everyone deserves to live in a healthy and safe community.
But despite somewhat uncertain state and federal landscapes, I am thankful that Alameda County’s new budget reflects that shared value for our region.
Notably, the 2024-2025 fiscal year adopted budget includes approximately $80 million for Housing and Homelessness Services, including an additional $3.5 million to protect the current inventory of emergency shelter and interim housing beds serving unhoused residents in Alameda County.
Additionally, I am proud the County’s final budget increases staffing for the Alameda County Office of Emergency Services to strengthen public safety and partnerships with local cities around comprehensive disaster preparedness, response, and recovery as recommended by the Public Protection Committee.
 The Alameda County Board of Supervisors reviews the proposed budget for the upcoming 2024-2025 fiscal year, including receiving additional information from county agency leaders as well as residents and community-based service organizations.
While there is more work ahead, county staff and community advocates have helped to ensure that we continue to make real and sustainable progress.
Within District 2, this includes my unwavering commitment to healthcare access for all by convening leaders across southern Alameda County to work together to keep St. Rose Hospital open through a strategic partnership with Alameda Health System.
Just last week, the state Senate Health Committee unanimously recommended that our local coalition’s urgent request for state debt relief for St. Rose Hospital move forward in the legislative process.
I want to thank Senator Wahab for becoming a co-author of this bill with Assemblymember Ortega. I will continue to organize community stakeholders to protect and strengthen local healthcare safety-net services, including travelling to Sacramento this Monday to advocate for $18 million in state loan forgiveness to protect the future of St. Rose Hospital.
Partnership is also essential for public safety policy and programs.
 Recently, I engaged in and led multiple discussions with diverse stakeholders in my role as Alameda County’s Public Protection Committee Chair. This includes:
And finally this week, the Bay Area Housing Financing Authority (BAHFA) approved the placement of a regional affordable housing bond measure on the 2024 general election ballot. As the County’s representative to the Association of Bay Area Governments, I am honored to have cast a historic vote recommending that BAHFA authorize the nine-county region’s first regional affordable housing bond measure that if passed in November, will bring an additional $2 billion to Alameda County to further help build and preserve affordable housing for local residents.
County government represents the intersection of policy and practice, moments and momentum, and community engagement and the creation of a world that we only thought could be a vision.
From LGBTQI+ Pride to Juneteenth, I am reminded of this opportunity each day as District 2 County Supervisor.
 I was thrilled to recognize longtime District 2 community leader and friend, Kevin Dowling, as the Alameda County Board of Supervisors proclaimed June 2024 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month (left photo) as well as sponsor and celebrate Juneteenth Hayward with youth volunteers from the Raising Leaders program (right photo).
In between summer swims and BBQ gatherings, please continue to check out and share the Alameda County Public Health Department’s Strategies for Preventing COVID-19 Infection as well as updates for staying safe during fire season with AC Alert.
It is an honor to “Connect, Engage, and Serve” you, your loved ones, and community!
In Service,
 Applications are being accepted until Tuesday, July 2 to be entered into a lottery for the chance to buy one of six income-restricted, below-market-rate (BMR) townhomes in a new residential development on Mission Boulevard across from Moreau Catholic High School.
The development project, called Fusion by Homes Built for America, is still under construction and will be made up of 55 townhomes with open floor plans located at 27177 Mission Boulevard near the South Hayward BART station and Cal State University East Bay.
To fulfill the requirements of the City’s Affordable Housing Ordinance, Homes Built for America has agreed to provide the six BMR units at prices affordable for purchase by moderate income households. This is the second project under construction this year to provide affordable homeownership opportunities, increasing the City’s portfolio of deed restricted ownership units to be sold at below market prices to current and future purchasers.
The six BMR units are three-bedroom, 2.5-bathroom units of approximately 1,761 in total square feet and priced at $491,578. They are restricted for sale to households with incomes of up to 120 percent of Area Median Income (AMI).
For an application and more information on the Fusion BMR unit lottery and qualifications, go online to https://www.housekeys8.com/fusion.
To learn more about the project overall, go online to the Homes Built for America Fusion website here.
 Are you or someone you know looking for affordable housing and don't know where to start?
The East Bay Housing Organization (EBHO) is the leading affordable housing advocacy coalition serving Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. In addition to educational tools such as their Study Room where you can learn about current innovative affordable housing solutions and policies, they have a step-by-step guide for those currently looking for affordable housing. You'll find information on the different types of affordable housing, how to join waitlists, understand your qualifications, find short-term support, find other organizations providing affordable housing, and much more.
For help finding affordable housing, visit EBHO today.

The City of Hayward invites community members and organizations to review and comment on an application being prepared to have Hayward designated a Pro-Housing community by the State of California.
The Pro-Housing Designation Program to which the City is applying is managed by the California Department of Housing and Community Development and is intended to incentivize the creation of more housing affordable and accessible to Californians of all income levels.
Cities designated as Pro-Housing can qualify for certain State funding grants to support housing development and alleviate homelessness and have applications for funding prioritized by the Department of Housing and Community Development.
To learn more about the City’s application for Pro-Housing designation—including a downloadable copy of the application and ways to provide comment—go online here to the Pro-housing Designation Project page on the City of Hayward website.
To learn more about the Pro-Housing Designation Program, go online here to the California Department of Housing and Community Development website.
 Mark your calendars because Science in the Park is coming back this year on Saturday, Oct. 5 at Cal State East Bay!
Science in the Park is a bi-ennial event created by the late Supervisor Richard Valle and hosted by the District 2 Office. It is an opportunity for the community to learn more about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), the environment, and health, while having fun and supporting the school districts in District 2.
This free event includes interactive/hands on activities like building and launching a water rocket, interactive live animal demonstrations, an egg drop contest, a bicycle repair station, free health screenings, and much, much more!
Check out our website for more updates as they come.
 Join us for an informative webinar on Measure C, the Children’s Health and Child Care Initiative for Alameda County!
These webinars are a great opportunity for early care and education providers to learn more about how Measure C aims to expand access to early care and education in our community and First 5 Alameda’s role in administering the Measure C child care funds.
There are 2 opportunities to join:
Early care and education provider participation is crucial to shaping the future of early care and education in Alameda County. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get informed and involved!
For more information, visit first5alameda.org/webinars.
To learn more about Measure C, click here.
 With the 4th of July drawing near, we're sure to see many celebrations throughout the Bay Area. Here's a friendly reminder on firework safety and compliance to keep celebrations safe and fun for all.
Please note that All FIREWORKS are PROHIBITED in ALAMEDA COUNTY, with exceptions as follows:
Fireworks Use Requires:
- Public Display by Licensed Pyrotechnic Operator AND Local Fire Department Approval
Safe and Sane Fireworks are permitted in Dublin, Newark, and Union City ONLY
Fireworks MUST be used in the city of purchase, per the City’s use ordinance.
All other cities within Alameda County DO NOT permit use of Safe and Sane Fireworks
Click the links below to review regulations regarding fireworks for your city:
 Did you know that composting and recycling is now the law for California Residents and Businesses? California State law, SB 1383, aims to keep food and other compostable materials ("organics") out of landfills to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. Composting:
Enhances Soil Health: Composting enriches soil with essential nutrients, improving its structure, water retention, and fertility.
Reduces Methane Emissions: Composting organic waste instead of sending it to landfills significantly reduces methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas.
Supports Plant Growth: Compost provides a natural, nutrient-rich fertilizer that promotes healthy plant growth and increases crop yields.
In Alameda County, the law is implemented and enforced under the Organics Reduction and Recycling Ordinance. Download a printable flyer of the rules.
Under the law, businesses, nonprofits, institutions, schools, and multi-family properties must comply with the following rules.
Rules for residents are slightly different.
For personalized help and further resources, check out StopWaste.
Celebrate the United States' 248th Birthday at the All America Festival! The event will be held on Saturday, June 29 at Mount Eden Park at 2451 W. Tennyson Rd. Hayward from 11am - 3pm. There will be food, games, music, and fun activities for the whole family.
For more information, call Mayor Pro Tempore Francisco Zermeño at 510-732-2746 or Sherry Mercado at 541-690-2695.
 The 4th of July Parade is back and the theme for this year is, "Peace, Love, and Fremont."
The parade will start at 10:00 am on Stevenson Blvd. at the Fremont Main Library, continue down Paseo Padre Parkway, and end on Capitol Avenue at the Downtown Event Center. The parade is organized by the Fremont 4th of July Parade, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community organization; the parade and related events are funded by community sponsorship and donations.
For more information, visit the event website at fremont4th.org.
 Join the exciting Bike and Auto Swap Meet at the Larry O. Teen Workshop, located at 33623 Mission Blvd. in Union City on Saturday, July 21, from 8am - 2pm.
Whether you're a cycling enthusiast, a car aficionado, or just looking to connect with others, this event has something for everyone. Meet fellow enthusiasts, share tips, and enjoy a day dedicated to all things bikes and autos. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to find unique items and connect with the community.
Larry O.'s Teen Workshop sells used bikes, bike parts, and do simple bike repairs. They are accepting donations of bicycles, bicycle parts, and tools based on case-by-case reviews and program and facility needs.
All donations need to be brought to the Workshop. If you want a donation receipt, please come during business hours and staff can give you one.
For more info on the event, click here or call (510) 675-5487 or email RobertS@unioncity.org.
Groovin’ at the Grove (Friday, July 12 and July 26)
 Groovin' at the Grove is a FREE Friday Night Summer Concert Series located at Shirley Sisk Grove on July 12 (with Sabrosito and Cisco Kid) and July 26 (with One More Time and Tortilla Soup) from 5:00pm - 7:00pm. Gates open at 4:00pm. Bring the family and enjoy a night of music and dance!
Newark Mariachi Festival (Sunday, July 21)
 The Newark Mariachi Festival is a FREE event including Mariachi bands, food, local Ballet Folklorico performances, community resources, and more! The festivities will be located at Shirley Sisk Grove on Sunday, July 21 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Come out to celebrate at this colorful and lively event!
To learn more about upcoming events in Newark, click here.
 District 2 appointments are available to those who live or work in Hayward (incorporated), Union City, Newark, and portions of Fremont (Ardenwood, Bayside, Canyon Heights/Vallejo Mills/Niles Crest, East Industrial, Lakes & Birds, Northgate, and Warm Springs).
Not sure if you’re in District 2? Find your district by clicking here
Learn more about County Boards and Commissions at https://www.acgov.org/bnc/#/board.
For Further Information, contact Ginny DeMartini, ginny.demartini@acgov.org and/or 510.670.6150. Please send a resume and request an application.
District 2 is actively seeking applicants for the following bodies:
1. Elections Commission
Objective: To oversee all public federal, state, district and municipal elections conducted by the Alameda County Registrar of Voters. The Commission shall oversee the implementation of general policies for the Registrar of Voters and shall periodically report back to the Board of Supervisors regarding the proper administration of general practices of the Registrar of Voters as it pertains to administration of elections in the County.
Agency: Registrar of Voters
Term: 3 years
Location: Alameda County Training and Education Center, 125 12th St., 4th floor, Oakland
Meetings: Monthly, 3rd Thursdays from 4pm -6pm
Qualifications: One slot for each County Supervisor, Five at-large members (Seats six (6) through nine). Must be a resident of Alameda County.
2. Commission on the Status of Women
Objective: The purpose of the Commission is to help eliminate discrimination and prejudice against women in such areas as housing, employment, health services, childcare, education, transportation, credit, legal rights, and community services.
Agency: Social Services Agency
Term: 2 years
Meetings: 10 meetings per year -- 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm
Location: 2000 San Pablo Ave # 445, Oakland
Qualifications: Must be a resident and woman who reflects the general population in age, race, religion and socio-economic status.
- District 2: One opening available to District 2 residents.
3. Housing and Community Development Advisory Board
Objective: Define needs relating to funding projects of Federal Housing and Community Development Act.
Established: Dec 9, 1975
Term: 4 years
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of odd months at 7:00pm
Location: 224 West Winton #108, Hayward
Qualifications: One opening available for a District 2 resident interested in housing issues.
3. Assessment Appeals Board
Objective: Serves as the Board of Equalization for the County of Alameda.
Agency: County Administrator's Office
Term: 3 years
Meetings: As needed, Monday and Wednesday,
Location: 1221 Oak St, Oakland
Qualifications: Five years minimum experience as a licensed Real Estate Broker, Attorney or Appraiser or Certified Public Accountant.
- District 2: One opening available to District 2 residents.
211 Alameda County: 211alamedacounty.org
Alameda County Housing Portal: Affordable Housing Rentals
Alameda County Housing Secure: Tenant and Landlord Housing Resources
Alameda County Social Services Agency (SSA): Medi-Cal Enrollment
Alameda County Employment Openings: www.acgov.org/careers.htm
Board of Supervisors Meetings: Information on how to participate in public comment is available on the LIVE Broadcasts page on the Board of Supervisors' website.