Giveaways in September

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Staying Healthy in September

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Message from HHD Director Larry Brooks

Greetings! I am so proud to share some of the good news regarding the work our dedicated staff is doing here. The department is over thirty years old and remains committed to the vision of a healthy home for everyone. I believe the same desire for environmental justice that drove our founders in People United for a Better Life in Oakland (PUEBLO) to protest and demand that this department be created is here today among our staff! That desire is likely even more potent than in 1987 when PUEBLO began their activism based on one child lead poisoning report from the State and prior awareness of lead poisoning generated by publications and health fairs by the Black Panthers and Brown Berets/Young Lords. Now, we have decades of experience learning about best practices to reduce child lead poisoning and address many other issues in the home that impact health. In fact, the staff just came up with a new slogan that I hope will be embraced by the community we serve: “Better Health, Better Home.”

Visit to learn more.



Win a Healthy Homes Swag Bag

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Win a Healthy Homes Swag Bag

Our exclusive giveaway will include a bag filled with ACHHD swag and valuable insight into creating a healthier environment for you and your family. #SwagAndLearn

Click here to enter our giveaway.



Program Spotlight

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Free Lead Hazard Repair Grants

Free Lead Paint Hazard Repair Grants for owners of pre-1960 residential properties in Alameda County. Our Lead Hazard Repair Funding approved applicants are provided with free lead testing, grant funding of up to $10,000 per unit for lead paint hazard repairs, free inspection for other healthy housing hazards that may be eligible for additional supplemental funds, and an assigned professional who will provide extensive project assistance to help make your home or property lead-safe.



Partner Spotlight

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Family Paths

Family Paths is a non-profit organization of mental health professionals and dedicated volunteers that provides a number of mental health and supportive services to low-income, multi-stressed individuals and families in Alameda County and beyond, virtually and from offices in Oakland and Hayward. These services include a 24-hour Parenting Stress Helpline providing referrals to their counseling services, Foster Parent Advice Line, CalWORKs Case Management, Positive Parenting Classes, and other supportive services. Family Path counsels children, adolescents, parents, caregivers, and families. Family Paths is a welcoming and inclusive agency dedicated to strengthening family relationships by providing mental health treatment and supportive services with respect, integrity, compassion, and hope.

Click here to learn more about our partner.



Mark Your Calendars

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Do you have an in-person or virtual event you'd like us to participate in? Whether it is a training, a presentation, or a question & answer session for your community - we want to hear about it! Click here to let us know!



Tip of the Week

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Tomato Spread Recipe

Our partner, the Alameda County Public Health Nutrition Services program, has generously shared a delicious recipe for Italian Tomato Spread that features this month's Harvest: Tomato. We hope you and your family enjoy this healthy and delightful recipe.

Click here for the Italian Tomato Spread recipe.



Stay Connected

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Whether you're on Tik TokFacebook, Instagram, TwitterYouTube, Next Door, or if you prefer emails - we've got you covered. Follow us to stay in the loop and to get access to special giveaways.