August has arrived, which typically means the Board of Supervisors begins a month-long recess. This year, however, there is so much work in front of the Board that our recess started on August 16. Although on recess, engagement is still an important value for my office. It has been my continued pleasure to meet community members at events, including at National Night Out and touring to learn about vital institutions in the county such as Highland Hospital.
  While the full Board does not reconvene until September 19 for our first regular meeting, I’ve scheduled a special Public Protection Committee meeting for September 7 to receive a presentation on the completed report for Reimagine Adult Justice, an initiative the late Supervisor Valle launched. You can learn more about this initiative and the upcoming presentation in the Public Protection Committee Meetings article below or at https://raj.acgov.org/.
Before the Board went on recess, my office secured approval for nearly $800,000 in District 2 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Cash Aid Grants for over 150 local non-profits and businesses. While we want to provide more to every applicant, there are limited resources. We are grateful for this opportunity to help several small businesses and non-profits in the District. If you would like to learn more about District 2 ARPA grants, you can view the story below in this newsletter.
August also signals the return to school for many of our kids. Please be extra vigilant on the roads during this time as we shift to having more kiddos returning to walking, biking, or being dropped off at school. There are several opportunities for back-to-school resources for families in District 2. Depending on your district, visit Hayward Education Foundation, New Haven Schools Foundation, Newark Education Foundation, Fremont Education Foundation, or contact SupplyBank.org for back-to-school supplies.
This will be our last newsletter of the summer. It has been an amazing five months as your District 2 County Supervisor. I am doing my best to honor the late Supervisor Valle and continue his priorities while at the same time bringing in new initiatives to serve, connect, and engage with you. As we approach Labor Day weekend on September 4, remember it is more than the unofficial end of summer. This year, we have seen increased Labor actions as workers use their collective power to demand better working conditions and fair wages in an environment of increased corporate profits. Labor Day is an opportunity to recognize the vital work of organized Labor and how a strong Labor movement with robust union density grows the middle class and lifts people out of poverty. To learn more about local Labor efforts, visit The Alameda Labor Council or Building and Construction Trades Council.
 In response to the negative economic, health, and safety impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on local non-profit and business organizations, the County of Alameda launched the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Supervisorial District Community Needs Cash Aid Grants program in April 2022. This new program infused much needed cash aid into the community to spur Alameda County’s economic recovery.
To be eligible to apply for an ARPA Cash Aid Grant, an organization or business must have experienced a negative economic impact created by COVID-19 for the period of March 1, 2020 to present. District 2 received nearly 450 applications requesting over $24 million in support. Here are some of the impacts from District 2’s limited funding of $3.1 million:
- Supported nearly 280 applicants including 55 non-profit community-based providers and over 220 businesses.
- 95.9% of the awards were to very small non-profits and businesses with less than 40 employees.
- 44% of the awards were to Hayward area groups, nearly 50% to Tri-City based organizations, and 6% to groups located in Alameda County serving District 2 residents.
- 66.5% of applicants from Hayward received an award, nearly 70% of Newark applicants were awarded, 60.7% of Union City applicants received an award, and rounding out District 2 cities 74% of Fremont applicants were awarded a grant.
- The awarded businesses and non-profits reflected the diversity of District 2 with 55% being women-owned, 46.9% AAPI, 13.6% African American, 11% Hispanic/Latino, and 11% reporting multi-ethnic minority.
District 2 will announce any future grant opportunities through our newsletter. While the ARPA Cash Aid Grant program was a one-time program, there may be opportunities in the future for further county support of small and local non-profits and businesses.
Public Protection Committee meetings regularly occur on the fourth Thursday of the month and begin at 10 AM. The meetings are open to in-person and remote participation. Meeting agendas and participation instructions can be found here: https://bos.acgov.org/broadcast/.
In the event of a holiday, the meeting schedule can change.
To sign-up to receive email notifications when a Public Protection Committee agenda is posted, please email cbs@acgov.org to request Public Protection Committee agenda notices.
The next scheduled Public Protection Committee meeting will be a Special Meeting on September 7 at 10 AM. The Committee will receive a presentation on the final Reimagine Adult Justice (RAJ) report. For more information on RAJ and reports published to-date please visit: https://raj.acgov.org/. Additional information on RAJ Element #4 - Assembly Bill 1185 County Board of Supervisors; Sheriff’s Oversight and its associated final report can be found by visiting: https://acoversight.acgov.org/.
The next regularly scheduled Committee meeting will be on September 28 at 10 AM. Agendas will be posted in compliance with state law on the Board’s broadcast page under upcoming meetings.
Mark your calendars for the Committee meetings scheduled this fall on October 27, November 16, and December 21. My office will keep you posted about future Public Protection Committee meetings, agendas and topics, and any changes to our planned schedule of meetings.
This fall, the Alameda County AC Boost program is offering a new round of down payment assistance funding.
If you are interested in buying a house in Alameda County, AC Boost provides down payment assistance loans to eligible middle-income first-time homebuyers to facilitate the purchase of owner-occupied homes in Alameda County.
Borrow up to $210,000 in the form of a shared appreciation down payment assistance loan to buy a home in Alameda County. No payments due during the term of the loan, making your mortgage payment affordable.
For more information, visit acboost.org.
 The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) will hold a virtual workshop for the public about a proposed regional housing measure. BAHFA was created to help solve the affordable housing shortage and is considering a bond measure for the November 2024 ballot to invest in building and preserving affordable homes.
Thursday, August 24, 2023 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Join via Zoom video Meeting ID: 819 8658 6787 Passcode: 683004 Join via phone (one tap mobile): +16699006833,,81986586787#,,,,*683004# Join via phone: (408) 638-0968
The Bay Area needs to create more affordable housing — a lot of it. The region must plan for more than 180,000 new affordable homes by 2035. Tackling this problem in the coming years is key to making the region more affordable for the nearly 8 million people who call the Bay Area home. Building at this scale and meeting the affordable housing demand is a tall order — one that will require robust, regionally coordinated public investment.
This virtual workshop will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn about the proposed bond, provide feedback and ask questions.
For those unable to attend, a meeting recording will be posted to mtc.ca.gov/HousingBond.
For questions, please email bahfa@bayareametro.gov.
 To Qualify:
- Be a tenant in Unincorporated Alameda County
- Meet low-income household guidelines
- Be experiencing financial hardship during or due, directly or indirectly, to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Be experiencing housing instability or at risk of homelessness
Visit www.ac-housingsecure.org/unincorporated-rent-help to learn more and apply.
 Crisis Support Services of Alameda County (CSS) is seeking feedback from all Alameda County community members about your experiences with mobile crisis or your vision for a responsive mobile crisis system.
Surveys available in English, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese.
 Don't miss our 5th Niles Canyon Stroll & Roll on Saturday, September 23, 2023 from 8am - 2pm (7am - 8am for cyclists only).
This is a day long recreational event that highlights the effort to build a Class 1 trail along the canyon. On event day, Highway 84 is to vehicle traffic to allow pedestrians and bicyclists to experience this scenic and historic route. We have expanded the event in exciting ways from adding a shuttle stop at the Niles District to incorporating vendors and businesses from the Sunol Business Guild.
Please check out our website at 84strollroll.com for the most current updates. See you there!
New Haven Schools Foundation has two events coming up that will raise money to fund scholarships for students and grants for teacher classroom projects in New Haven Unified School District.
 Stars on Stage Comedy Night is an adult evening out featuring local comics rising on the national stage. Headliner Kabir Singh appeared on America’s Got Talent, Season 15. He has been a touring headliner for almost a decade now, with specials on Amazon Prime. Kabir worked for the hit show “The Family Guy “ on Fox. He will be hosting a wonderful night full of laughs which includes Jeremy Curry, Nina G and Mean Dave.
Date: September 30, 2023 James Logan High School Performing Arts Center 7:00 pm (Doors open at 6:30)
Tickets $45 reserved seating ($10 early bird discount until 9/15)
See details and purchase tickets at starsonstage.net
The annual Mutt Strut returns to the Masonic Home in October, bringing you and your dog out for breakfast, a pet parade and costume contest, a goodie bag for your best buddy, and a chance to interact with local pet services and retailers of pet supplies. |
Date: October 7, 2023 Masonic Home Union City
8:00 am: Gates open for check-in and breakfast
9:00 am: Strut begins
Purchase tickets, or become a sponsor or vendor at muttstrut.org

The Hayward Animal Shelter will host its annual Hot Pawgust Nights car show fundraiser and animal adoption event on Saturday, Aug. 26.
All pet adoptions will be $20 to qualified homes from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. A $17 license fee applies to all dogs adopted to Hayward residents.
In the spirit of the original Hot August Nights, the shelter will showcase an array of classic cars and trucks. There also will be live bands, food, raffles, activities for kids and a special guest appearance by Nate Branch, legendary 15-year veteran of the Harlem Globe trotters.
If you are interested in displaying your car to help support the shelter, register here, email shelter.volunteers@hayward-ca.gov or call (510) 881-7927. There is a $25 registration fee which will go toward providing medical care, toys, food or other supplies for the shelter animals.
Prism Foundation is providing funding for projects that make a strong and positive impact in the API LGBTQIA+ community. Grants range from $1,000 – $5,000. |
Supported activities may include community events, films, ethnographic surveys, and training tools. Eligible applicants must complete an online application form and itemized budget.
Eligibility: Non-profits
Grant Period: 12 months (anticipated start date Nov/Dec 2023)
Due Date: 11:59 PM PT on Friday, September 1, 2023
Contact Information: grants@theprismfoundation.org
For more information on the grant, please visit Prism Foundation’s website: https://theprismfoundation.org/grants
Established by Congress in December 2020, this federally funded program helps low-income households pay down their outstanding residential water or wastewater bills. California has been allocated $116 million in one-time funding to provide LIHWAP assistance.
Alameda County residents may visit Spectrum Community Services for more information about how LIHWAP can help pay down past due water or wastewater bills and how to apply. Eligibility is based on the household’s total monthly income, which cannot exceed the income guidelines below. Applicants can apply simultaneously to LIHWAP and the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The LIHWAP program ends on September 30, 2023 - applications received after that date will not be accepted.
To be eligible, you must be:
- You must be past due on your water and/or wastewater bill.
- Your water and/or wastewater provider (such as EBMUD and ACWD) must be a LIHWAP participant.
- You must be able to provide a government-issued photo ID.
 The City of Hayward is introducing a new tuition assistance program to help Hayward residents retool and update job skills while expanding the City’s hometown employee talent base.
The Learn to Earn Tuition Assistance Program will provide microgrants ranging from $500 to $2000 to cover educational and training expenses at California State University East Bay, Chabot College and potentially other technical schools offering certification and professional training.
Learn to Earn will prioritize students enrolling in advanced manufacturing and biotechnology and collaborate with local educational institutions to facilitate seamless grant issuance and continuity of student support through graduation, certification or completion of a training program.
The initiative is a critical new component of the City’s COVID-19 economic recovery efforts and intended to respond to pandemic dislocation of workers and post-pandemic recruitment challenges faced by local businesses and industry.
For more information about Learn to Earn—including ways to apply for the grants through CSU East Bay, Chabot College and Eden Area Regional Occupational Program Center, or to have your school considered to become a partner institution or agency—visit the program page here on the City of Hayward website.
 Boards and Commissions - District 2 Openings for Residents of Hayward (incorporated), Union City, Newark and portions of Fremont.
To qualify, you must either live or work in District 2.
For Further Information, contact Ginny DeMartini, ginny.demartini@acgov.org and/or 510.670.6150. Please send a resume and request an application.
Read about the Commissions – https://www.acgov.org/bnc/#/board
1. Civil Service Commission:
Objective: The Commission may adopt rules for the enforcement of the civil service provisions of applicable state laws, the Charter and ordinances not inconsistent therewith.
Established: January 1, 1968
Term: 5 years
Meetings: Every two weeks on Wednesdays
Location: 1405 Lakeside Drive, Oakland
Qualifications: Commissioners shall be appointed only from electors of the county who have been residents of the county for 5 years preceding their appointments and whose names are upon the assessment roll at the time of appointment. No commissioner shall hold any other county salaried office.
District 2: District two has one opening available.
2. Consumer Affairs Commission
Objective: Established to improve the business climate in Alameda County, educate the citizenry, and advise the Board of Supervisors regarding issues that affect the quality of life for everyone.
Term: 2 years
Meetings: 2nd Thursday of each month from 4 pm - 6 pm
Location: Board Conference Room, 1221 Oak Street, Oakland
Qualifications: Must be a resident of Alameda County and must reside in District 2.
District 2: Two slots open and available to District 2 residents
3. Housing and Community Development Advisory Board
Objective: Define needs relating to funding projects of Federal Housing and Community Development Act
Established: Dec 9, 1975
Term: 4 years
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of odd months, 7:00 p.m.
Location: 224 West Winton Avenue, Room 108 Hayward
Qualifications: Must be residents District 2.
District 2: One opening available for residents interested in Housing issues.
4. Public Health Commission:
Objective: To review and assess emerging health needs; initiate and improve health and disease prevention programs and policies; make recommendation s regarding opportunities for building community capacity as related to public health priorities; and advocate for adequate resources and increased County action to improve community health.
Agency: Health Care Services Agency
Term: 2 years
Meetings: Commission meetings shall be held monthly for a total of 12 monthly meetings per calendar year. Contact staff for meeting dates, time and location.
Location: 1000 Broadway, Suite 500 Oakland CA 94607
Qualifications: The PHC membership is open to all Alameda County residents who are supportive of the improvement of the health and well-being of residents living in Alameda County. New members shall be recruited through an extensive outreach process, taking into consideration PHC's strong commitment to ethnic and geographic diversity.
District 2: One opening available to District 2 resident
211 Alameda County: 211alamedacounty.org
Alameda County Housing Portal: Affordable Housing Rentals
Alameda County Housing Secure: Tenant and Landlord Housing Resources
Alameda County Social Services Agency (SSA): Medi-Cal Enrollment
Alameda County Employment Openings: www.acgov.org/careers.htm
Board of Supervisors Meetings: Information on how to participate in public comment is available on the LIVE Broadcasts page on the Board of Supervisors' website.