Staying Healthy in August

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Staying Healthy in August

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We Are Here to Help

The Healthy Homes Department takes a systems-level approach, considering the entire home environment and the comprehensive needs of a family. The Healthy Homes department integrates multiple perspectives that considers the people living in the home, the structure itself, and potential health hazards. We consider how housing hazards affect occupant health, thus ensuring better efficiency and more effective prevention. Learn how to keep your child and yourself safe in your home, including strategies for preventing lead poisoning. Discover the training and resources to help you and your workers maintain a safe environment. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of the resources available to prevent lead poisoning and promote health and safety in your home. Visit our website to access resources and services that provide simple and accessible information on how your home's health directly impacts your family's well-being. Additionally, learn how to apply for free funding to repair your home.

Visit to learn more.



Win a Healthy Homes Supply Kit

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Win a Healthy Homes Supply Kit

Click here to enter to win a Healthy Homes Supply Kit from Alameda County's Healthy Homes Department, a kit that includes a HEPA-filter vacuum & more for you to keep your family safe! HEPA-filter vacuum cleaners have been shown to help protect against exposure to lead.



Program Spotlight

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Do you live in Alameda County? Does your home need repairs? If you answered yes to both questions, give us a call at (510) 567-8000 or click here for more information about how to apply for free money for home repairs.



Partner Spotlight

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Planning Department
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Alameda County Planning Department

The Planning Department supports CDA’s mission to enhance the quality of life for Alameda County residents and ensure the well-being of our diverse Unincorporated communities. Planning serves the County by overseeing development/redevelopment plans, creating land use policy, performing Code Enforcement functions, and enforcing the County’s General Plan. The Department also collaborates with the public through the creation of general/specific area plans, planning new and existing communities, and responding to citizen concerns about land use.

Click here to learn more about our wonderful partner.



Mark Your Calendars

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Do you have an in-person or virtual event you'd like us to participate in? Whether it is a training, a presentation, or a question & answer session for your community - we want to hear about it! Click here to let us know!



Tip of the Week

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Stay Cool & Hydrated this Summer

We are experiencing high record-breaking temperatures, and there are a few things you can try to stay comfortable. It is crucial to prioritize staying cool, hydrated, and informed. To achieve this, consider the following tips:

  1. Stay indoors during the hottest hours of the day. Utilize fans or air conditioning to cool your living space effectively.
  2. If you don't have access to cooling at home, think about spending time in air-conditioned public places. It can provide some relief from the intense heat.
  3. Hydration is key during a heatwave. Make sure to drink plenty of water to keep yourself properly hydrated.
  4. Make sure your pet stays hydrated.
  5. Wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothing to stay cool.
  6. Consider cold showers to help cool your body temperature.
  7. Reduce indoor heat by avoiding heat-producing appliances and opting for cold meals.
  8. Remember never to leave your children or pets in a car.
  9. Stay informed on the weather forecast and plan outdoor activities for cooler times, such as early morning or evening.

Click here for more information for Heat Preparedness.



Stay Connected

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Whether you're on Tik TokFacebook, Instagram, TwitterYouTube, Next Door, or if you prefer emails - we've got you covered. Follow us to stay in the loop and to get access to special giveaways.