What an amazing District 2 community swearing-in and celebration we had this past weekend in Newark. A tremendous thank you to the City of Newark Council and staff for hosting us. We sincerely appreciated La More Kitchen, Everything Lumpia, and Shayi Goods for providing delicious food as well as Grupo Folklórico Tlapalli and Buu Kim Tu Lion Dance for providing wonderful performances. It was great to engage with all the local elected officials, city and county department heads, and several hundred community members who attended. The foundation of this office will be to listen to residents and businesses to inform the work we do on behalf of District 2.
 Supervisor Elisa Márquez with Grupo Folklórico Tlapalli dancers at the Newark Swearing-In Community Celebration
This upcoming weekend marks the unofficial start of summer with the Memorial Day weekend. Take a moment to remember and honor those who have served and sacrificed so much in defense of our nation. The USS Hornet Museum in Alameda will host a Memorial Day ceremony on Monday, May 29 and the Fairview Lone Tree Cemetery will hold its 120th Memorial Day Program from 10am to 1pm on May 29.
If you are celebrating at home with family and friends, please remember with all the rain this past winter to ensure there is defensible space around your home and to practice safety when firing up your grill. For more resources on defensible space and fire safety Hayward Fire Departments web site.
In this newsletter you’ll find information and resources on tenant and landlord services, local events, and community meetings and surveys. June is Pride Month; there will be various local activities this summer from Oakland to Fremont. Our neighbors with Castro Valley Pride will hold their annual event on July 15, more info here.
The final item I want to highlight for you is the various Juneteenth celebrations around the Bay Area. In particular is the leadership of Hayward Mayor Pro Tempore Angela Andrews' 3rd Annual City of Hayward Juneteenth Street Party on Thursday, June 15 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. More information here.
Alameda County supports a number of services available in Alameda County that can assist tenants and property owners with maintaining housing stability by providing advice and referrals to the proper programs. These services are available in multiple languages, free of charge, to all county residents regardless of income or immigration status.
Alameda County Housing Secure is a collaborative of legal service providers partnering to prevent the displacement of our most vulnerable community members throughout Alameda County. |
ACHS provides free legal services to low-income tenants and property owners impacted by the region’s housing affordability crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic including:
- Legal information and assistance for tenants and property owners
- Navigation and assistance for mortgage relief applications
- Information about the small claims process
- Landlord/tenant mediation
- Navigation and referrals to other services as needed
Contact Alameda County Housing Secure at (510) 994-0733 or email https://www.acgov.org/cda/hcd/
Legal Access Alameda (formerly, the Volunteer Legal Service Corporation or VLSC) is the pro bono arm of the Alameda County Bar Association. |
Legal Access provides free legal services to low-income people in Alameda County and is one of the largest providers of pro bono legal services in the county.
- Low-income Landlord Assistance Program
- Homeowner Property Transfer Clinic
- Disaster Legal Assistance Collaborative
Contact Legal Access Alameda at 510-302-2222 or online request form
211 is a service provided by Eden I&R that assists people in obtaining information about, as well as gaining access to, community resources. Information management and referral specialists on staff provide a critical information bridge between individuals in need and human service agencies. |
Eden I&R specializes in supporting at-risk individuals, such as youth, non-English speakers, the economically disadvantaged, people living with HIV/AIDS, domestic violence survivors, the elderly, disabled, and the homeless, with referrals to services including:
- Shelter resources
- Utility assistance
- Mental wellness
- Substance treatment
- Employment assistance
- Public benefits navigation
Dial 2-1-1 or text 899211
 On May 9, 2023, the County of Alameda Board of Supervisors approved a four-year climate action plan for government services and operations outlining a comprehensive strategy to achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from County operations and build community resilience to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. This plan sets a goal for carbon neutrality in County operations by 2045, aligned with the State of California’s goal.
In 2010, the Board of Supervisors approved the County’s first operational climate plan. The County exceeded that plan’s goal of reducing emissions over 30 percent from 2003 levels by 2019. A key action contributing to this success was purchasing carbon-free electricity.
As of 2019, the primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions generated by County government operations were combustion of natural gas in buildings and facilities and use of gasoline for employee commutes and on-the-job travel. The plan includes actions such as transitioning to all electric buildings and vehicles powered by renewable energy. The plan also includes actions to promote resilience of County services and support community preparedness.
County residents can take climate action by getting involved with local sustainability organizations, taking steps to reduce their energy and transportation emissions, and engaging with their city or unincorporated area climate plans. The County’s unincorporated Community Climate Action Plan and Safety Element update is currently in development.
To view the new plan, visit www.acgov.org/sustain/next/plan.htm. To sign up for updates on plan implementation, visit bit.ly/climateAC.
Click here for the full press release.

Niles Canyon Stroll & Roll will be back on Saturday, September 23, 2023.
This is a day long recreational event that highlights the effort to build a Class 1 trail along the canyon. On event day, Highway 84 is to vehicle traffic to allow pedestrians and bicyclists to experience this scenic and historic route.
To learn more about the Stroll & Roll visit 84strollroll.com.
 Join a conversation on the African American Wellness Hub with your District Supervisor and let your voice be heard!
Alameda County's Health Equity Division is interested in providing key updates regarding the search and purchase of an African American Wellness Hub Facility and welcomes the participation of the community through a Series of Five (5) Listening Sessions in each of the Alameda County Supervisorial Districts.
Join the upcoming meeting for District 2 on Wednesday, May 31 from 5pm - 6:30pm with District 2 Supervisor Elisa Márquez. Register on zoom here.
For more information, email: Janice.Adam@acgov.org
Starting June 1, Alameda County Library welcomes all to join its 2023 Summer Adventure, the reimagined Summer Reading Game. This year’s theme, A Magical Journey, celebrates the power of imagination and magic in everyday life. |
A magical journey awaits this summer! Complete activities, reading, and more to receive a book gift and prize drawing entries. No signups are required—just pick up your Adventure Guide at any AC Library location, Mobile Library stop, or online anytime between June 1 to August 15. There will be prize drawings for all ages, and multiple ways to participate to ensure that all communities are welcomed and can get involved.
Pick up an Adventure Guide at these AC Library locations starting June 1:
“Summer Adventure provides opportunities for families and people of all ages and abilities to connect over shared experiences of wonder, discovery, and delight. I’m amazed by all the creativity and kindness expressed by our communities! I can‘t wait for what this summer holds,” said County Librarian Cindy Chadwick.
The Adventure Guide features plenty of activities for people of all ages and abilities to stay engaged all summer long. Last year, adventurers across the county showcased their submissions and experienced the magic of creating arts and crafts at library events and programs, discovering library resources, and connecting with others along the way.
For more information about our 2023 Summer Adventure, visit aclibrary.org/summer.

In recognition of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride, the City of Hayward will hold a Pride flag raising ceremony at noon Thursday, June 1, on City Hall Plaza and will fly the rainbow-colored banner for the entire month of June.
In addition, the Hayward City Council will issue a proclamation on Tuesday, June 6, designating June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Queer, Intersex, 2-Spirit and Gender Non-Conforming Pride Month in the City of Hayward.
Pride Month spans the month of June each year and is now celebrated nationally with parades, festivals, parties and picnics in different cities across the country. The celebrations and remembrances commemorate and pay homage to the Stonewall Rebellion in New York City on June 28, 1969.
On that date, which historians consider the birth of the modern LGBTQ-rights movement, the then-commonplace occurrence of police raids on bars catering to LGBT patrons was met with resistance at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village where bar patrons fought back.
Protests that ensued over the next six days are credited with a shift in LGBTQ activism in the United States and were followed the next year with some of the first Pride parades in Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles, as well as New York.
Are you thinking of working for the County? Alameda County provides health care, social services, public protection, and general government programs for a population that is culturally and ethnically diverse. County employs more than 9,900 staff working in 21 different agencies and departments.
The Alameda County has a diverse workforce, that is representative of the communities we serve, and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.
All aspects of employment are based on merit, competence, performance and business need. Alameda County does not discriminate in employment on the basis of, race, color, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or other non-merit factors protected under federal, state and local law.
Visit https://jobapscloud.com/Alameda/default.asp to view current openings and join the Alameda County family.
Eden Church, founded in 1865, is an LGBTQIA+ Open & Affirming Congregation and a Sanctuary Congregation of the United Church of Christ located in Hayward. They have 2 exciting positions available. Click on the links and follow instructions to apply if you or someone you know are interested!
- Lead Case Manager (Newcomer Navigation Center): This person will work with newly-arrived immigrant youth and families and support them as they navigate life in the United States.
- Social Empowerment Case Manager (Eden Resource Center): This person will support individuals and families who are residents of the urban unincorporated communities of Alameda County and connect them to available resources.
 The natural world is full of sounds all year round - from chirps, screeches, buzzing, to drumming! Tune in to listen and appreciate some of the most beautiful sounds in nature in community.
Join Union City and East Bay Regional Park District on Saturday, June 2nd at the Coyote Hills Visitor Center (8000 Patterson Ranch Rd, Fremont) from 10am - 11:30am to explore different unexpected sounds heard across Coyote Hills.
This program is bilingual in Spanish/English. All ages. Parent participation required. Parking fees apply where charged. Disabled accessible. This is a drop-in program; no registration is required.
For information, call (510) 544-3220.
 Visit Larry O's Teen Workshop, located at 33623 Mission Blvd, on June 17, 2023 for a Bike & Auto Swap Meet from 8am-2pm. Admission is FREE.
For more information, please email: RobertS@unioncity.org.
Get Involved and Help Your Community be Hazard-Ready!
The Cities of Fremont, Newark, and Union City, and the Alameda County Water and Union Sanitary Districts are partnering to develop a new Tri-City Multi-jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). The new Tri-City LHMP will meet all requirements to update the City of Fremont’s 2016 LHMP and the 2017 Union City/Newark Multi-jurisdictional LHMP. Floods, earthquakes, wildfires, and severe weather are just a few of the hazards to which the Tri-City area is vulnerable. While natural hazards such as these cannot be prevented, we can reduce the risk they pose to our community. An LHMP is a foundational plan to reduce community risk associated with natural disasters – assessing and analyzing risk and formulating and prioritizing long-term strategies to reduce risk. An LHMP also allows each participating public agency to apply for certain Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants to reduce such risk. The new LHMP will also provide an important framework for each cities’ floodplain management program, which may result in lower flood insurance premiums for area residents and businesses under FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), Community Rating System (CRS).
You are invited. We encourage the public to attend and participate in our upcoming meetings. Informational Public Meetings will explain the LHMP development process, the benefits of cities’ participation in the CRS program, and how you can become involved. Please select the time and location that works best for you!
Upcoming Public Meetings
Informational Public Meeting (Offering #1) May 23, 2023 (Tuesday) 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. George M. Silliman Community Activity Center – Community Meeting Room 6800 Mowry Ave. Newark, CA 94560
Informational Public Meeting (Offering #2) July 13, 2023 (Thursday) 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Age Well Center at Lake Elizabeth 40086 Paseo Padre Pkwy. Fremont, CA 94538
In addition, Planning Committee Meetings among participating agency personnel and other stakeholders—to develop the plan—are all open to the public.
Planning Committee Meeting #1 (Project Kickoff) May 23, 2023 (Tuesday) 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Downtown Event Center 3500 Capitol Ave. Fremont, CA 94538
The Cities of Fremont, Newark, and Union City are seeking interested community representatives to participate on a special floodplain management Steering Committee—and to regularly attend Planning Committee Meetings —over the course of the project, through early 2024. If you are a Fremont, Newark, or Union City resident and interested in being appointed to the Steering Committee, please contact the following:
Fremont Alec Tune Emergency Services Manager Fremont Fire Department 510-494-4256 atune@fremont.gov
Newark Richard Martinez Emergency Coordinator City of Newark 510-578-4806 RichM@newark.org
Union City Richard Martinez Emergency Services Coordinator City of Union City 510-675-5363 RicardoM@UnionCity.org

In honor of Bike Month, Caltrans would like to solicit your opinion on bicycle travel in the Bay Area. Simply click here to participate: Caltrans Bay Area Bike Plan Update Survey (arcgis.com)
The 14-question survey queries bike riders about their cycling habits and most heavily traveled routes. Participants may also opine on how to best upgrade local trails and facilities. Caltrans uses the survey data to inform decisions on the Caltrans Bike Plan, available here: Caltrans District 4 Bike Plan Update | Caltrans
 Boards and Commissions - District 2 Openings for Residents of Hayward (incorporated), Union City, Newark and portions of Fremont.
To qualify, you must either live or work in District 2.
For Further Information, contact Ginny DeMartini, ginny.demartini@acgov.org and/or 510.670.6150. Please send a resume and request an application.
Read about the Commissions – https://www.acgov.org/bnc/#/board
1. Alameda County Advisory Commission on Aging:
Objective:To act as an independent advocate for older persons as mandated by the Older Americans Act, and the Mello-Granlund Older Californians Act by taking positions on matters pertaining to federal, state and local policies, programs and procedures, and any legislation affecting older persons.
Agency: Social Services Agency
Term: 4 years, and not to exceed 2 four-year terms.
Meetings: Monthly, 2nd Monday, 9:30 a.m., 6955 Foothill Blvd #300, Oakland
Qualifications: Members shall be older individuals who are participants or who are eligible to participate in programs assisted under this Act, representatives of older individuals, local elected officials, and the general public, to advise continuously the area agency on all matters relating to the development of the area plan, the administration of the plan and operations conducted under the plan.
District 2: One opening available to district 2 residents
2. Commission on the Status of Women:
Objective: The purpose of the Commission is to help eliminate discrimination and prejudice against women in such areas as housing, employment, health services, childcare, education, transportation, credit, legal rights and community services.
Agency: Social Services Agency
Term: 2 years
Meetings: 10 meetings per year -- 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm; 2000 San Pablo Ave # 445, Oakland
Qualifications: Must be a resident and woman who reflects the general population in age, race, religion and socio-economic status.
DISTRICT 2: One opening available to district 2 residents
3. Assessment Appeals Board:
Objective: Serves as the Board of Equalization for the County of Alameda.
Agency: County Administrator's Office
Terms: 3 years
Meetings: As needed, Monday and Wednesday, 1221 Oak St, Oakland
Qualifications: Five years minimum experience as a licensed Real Estate Broker, Attorney or Appraiser or Certified Public Accountant. One opening available to District 2 residents.
4. Human Relations Commission:
Objective: Create an environment in which each person may realize the highest potential unhampered by any discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, immigrant status, gender, age actual or perceived sexual orientation and mental or physical feasibilities protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Established: Feb 4, 1964
Terms: 3 years
Location: Eden Area Multi-Service Center, 24100 Amador St, 3rd floor, Hayward 94544
Meetings: 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:00PM
Qualifications: District 2 residents interested in social justice.
DISTRICT 2: One opening available to district 2 residents