Updates from District 4 Supervisor Nate Miley

nate - alpha order

January 1st - January 15th, 2021

In this Issue

Need A COVID19 Test? Food? Childcare?

Alameda County  frequently updates this COVID19 Testing, Food, and Social Services interactive map: https://www.acgov.org/maps/food-services.htm

Alameda County COVID19 Testing, Food Distribution, and Social Services Map

COVID19 Updates From Health Care Services Agency

For the most up-to-date information from Health Care Services visit the front page of the Alameda County Health Department website: https://covid-19.acgov.org/index.page?


An Update from Health Care Services: As of January 14, 2020

The Bay Area remains under the Regional Stay at Home Order due to regional ICU bed capacity below 15%. While we are observing small, positive signs in Alameda County COVID-19 case rate and hospital ICU capacity, we ask residents to continue practicing COVID prevention. Our teams are working diligently to get people vaccinated while also supporting the increase in residents who have, or came into contact with someone who has, COVID-19. The pandemic is not over and everyone including those who have been vaccinated should continue to practice COVID-19 prevention measures such as staying home as much as possible, wearing a face covering, and practicing physical distancing.

Vaccination brings great promise and we appreciate the enthusiasm and interest among many residents and employers. When there is enough vaccine to expand vaccination options, Alameda County will share that information widely, along with information on when and how eligible groups can get vaccinated. In the meantime, please complete one of the following forms to be notified when the vaccine might be available for you according to the state prioritization framework:

We will contact you with further details about where the vaccine will be available. The information is kept confidential and will help us plan. These forms are not an appointment to receive the vaccine.

We remain grateful to our agency staff, County colleagues, our cities, and community partners for their support and hard work during this pandemic. As always, you'll find this week's Board of Supervisors update, previous presentations, and back issues of our newsletter here. Thank you for helping us save lives in Alameda County.

To read the full Health Care Services newsletter please visit: https://covid-19.acgov.org/response.page?.

COVID Vaccine Update

We are continuing to vaccinate health care workers eligible for Phase 1a of the state vaccine prioritization framework. We anticipate starting Phase 1b in the coming weeks as vaccine supply allows. Health care workers and long-term care residents remain the highest priority as noted by the Governor during his January 13 press conference. Alameda County has more hospitals and health care facilities than surrounding Bay Area counties and our estimated population for Phase 1a exceeds 145,000 people. Our Public Health Department has received a little more than 85,000 doses to date, allocated nearly 48,000 to health care partners, and administered over 11,000 in our points-of-dispensing (PODs) as of January 13.

As demand for vaccines continues to exceed supply, Alameda County is balancing shifting priorities. Phase 1b will expand vaccine eligibility to large groups of people and we are working across multiple partners and sectors to update and prepare for mass vaccination scenarios.

We are committed to safe and equitable vaccine distribution, and our strategy is to make vaccine readily and easily available through County administered points of dispensing (PODs) and partnership with health care systems and clinic/organizations.

For those who are age 65 and older and are interested in getting vaccinated, we encourage you to please reach out to your health care provider to see if they have vaccine available at this time. Otherwise, we anticipate being able to start vaccinating this group in the coming weeks.

Organizations that would like to receive and share vaccine updates, health information, and other alerts with the communities you serve can sign up for our Alerts for Community Partners subscription. General inquiries regarding the vaccine may be directed to covax@acgov.org. 


Reflections On The Capitol & Impeachment

Impeachment 2021

From the breach of the Capitol to official impeachment of President Trump, the events of this past week have deeply disturbed me. I totally condemn the unlawful acts on the part of the insurrection and I further condemn President Trump for encouraging this type of violence.

As more information comes to light, I find myself supporting the prosecution of all who can be charged with insurrection and sedition against these United States of America. There is no honor in following the lead of anyone who would bring about circumstances such as these in the face of legitimate defeat. 

I appreciate the hard work of Congress that swiftly brought about impeachment, which I believe was a necessary action. While I feel justice was served, needing to impeach at all is indicative of just how much healing lies ahead of us. I am reminded of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s quote that I included in my 2020 holiday message: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” May that work now begin in earnest for us all.

East Oakland: Illegal Dumping Pilot Update

Illegal Dumping Pilot

It's a new year in many ways and one priority area of mine continues to make incredible leaps forward. Erin Armstrong from my office has lead the Alameda County Illegal Dumping (ACID) Pilot for three years with fantastic results, using my the Three E's strategy: Education, Eradication, and Enforcement. 

Erin has made impressive connections with Oakland City Officials, Public Works, community partners like Argent Materials and AB&I Foundry, and a contingent of volunteers, and the results speak for themselves - the pilot area (roughly 7 blocks of the Highland Area of East Oakland) has transformed aesthetically and also as a community.

Also stemming from her efforts is a virtual collaboration between cities, Counties, waste management groups, and District Attorneys throughout California. This regional Illegal Dumping Taskforce meets monthly to exchange information about best practices.

I'm proud to report that we are looking to expand the pilot area this year and also hold the first ever Illegal Dumping Statewide Conference virtually in the Spring. Kudos, Erin, and be sure to check out her report with more information, pictures, and data about the ACID pilot here:  https://www.acgov.org/board/district4/documents/ACID-FinalReport_2020_NateMiley.pdf

BEFORE & AFTER SHOT: Taken at cleanup that community partner Argent Materials initiated on San Leandro Street in East Oakland, as part of our expanded efforts around the Alameda County Illegal Dumping Pilot.

People's Health Briefing With Dr. Noha Aboelata

PHB 1.12.21

Don't miss the latest installment of The People's Health Briefing. In it, Roots Community Health Center CEO and founder Dr. Noha Aboelata breaks down the impact of COVID19 on Alameda County, Oakland and East Oakland in particular.

Please take a moment to watch and learn!

View all installments of "The People's Health Briefing" here in the "All Videos" section.

To learn more about Roots Community Health Center, visit their website.

Cherryland Joint Flu Shot Clinic & COVID19 Testing Site

Cherryland Flu Shot ClinicCherryland Flu Clinic

Cherryland COVID Testing SiteCherryland COVID Testing Site

Winter Activities

HARD Adult Classes Winter 2021HARD Youth Winter 2021 Classes

Exercise Your Right to Be Heard!

BOS Regular Meeting

Most Tuesdays, the Board of Supervisors holds a Regular Meeting during which the public is allowed to speak to the Board on items not on the agenda starting at or around 9:30am for the time being. (Please note that the BOS meetings do not start at a set time! More information appears closer to the meeting date and time, but be prepared to wait for it to begin.)

Agenda items in particular represent decisions made about our communities, and while we might not always agree on the best path forward, I am fond of saying that reasonable people will disagree and also that I get some of my best ideas from my constituency base. I am honored to serve on the Board as a County Supervisor and take the ideas, concerns, and feedback of the public very seriously.

Please, consider tuning into these meeting and encouraging your family, friends, and neighbors to do the same. We are stronger as a County when we are connected to one another, and engaged with the civic process.

The meeting calendar, including links to the agenda when it is available, can be found here.

The links to the livestream broadcast of the meetings, including a Zoom link in the event that Granicus is experiencing technical difficulties, can be found here.

Contact My Office

Oakland Office
Phone: 510.272.6694

Eden Area District Office
Phone: 510.670.5717

To be added to our subscriber list, please email: District4@acgov.org

Visit https://www.acgov.org/board/district4/ for more information about my priorities as District 4 Supervisor.

For information on COVID-19 in Alameda County visit http://www.acphd.org/2019-ncov.aspx
