Alameda County Healthy Homes Dept's Common Sources of Lead Update

You are subscribed to Common Sources of Lead for Alameda County Healthy Homes Dept. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

Are you ready for Halloween? A spooky fact: some traditional makeup like kohl or surma, and some costume jewelry may contain #lead! Learn more: #NLPPW2020

What You Can Do: Share this link with your family and friends.

¿Está listo para el Halloween? Es un hecho: ¡Algunos maquillajes tradicionales como kohl o surma, y joyas de disfraz pueden contener plomo! Aprenda más:  #NLPPW2020

Lo Que Usted Puede Hacer: Comparte este enlace con tu familia y amigos.

Oct 29th

Alameda County: Healthy Homes Department