June 17, 2020 District 2 Newsletter


Release Date: 6/17/2020

Supervisor's Message

d2 letterhead

On May 28, 2020, our nation was rocked by the senseless killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota by a police officer. Our nation is outraged by the death of Mr. Floyd and the on-going abhorrent killings of African Americans in this country.


The killings of African Americans at the hands of law enforcement must end. Our nation’s capitalist system is built on a history of slave trade and Jim Crow. Injustice was built in and we have yet to realize the true promise of our nation that provides equal opportunity to quality education, health care, and access to good paying union jobs. We, as elected officials, must work to change this.


President Obama said in his recent essay that “…the elected officials who matter most in reforming police departments and the criminal justice system work at the state and local levels." This is why I asked my colleagues to consider forming an inclusive process to address issues around police accountability and racial justice. Thank you Supervisor Nate Miley for taking on the responsibility of working with local law enforcement and advocates from our community and our community at large towards a common ground that speaks to what we have and share collectively, together, for the betterment of the human race and, leading us in the direction of action and change.


I believe that it is only through dialogue and action that can we confront the inequality inherent in our way of life. We must seize this moment to plan, organize, and vote.


To move forward we must speak truth in order to reconcile our past. The work of transformation is one that must include everyone. I strongly believe in faith and direct action, these two go hand in hand, we must have faith in each other and we must take action each and every day. We are now at a point in time that requires a lot of work. You have my commitment to work toward a better today and tomorrow.

All the Best,

Richard Valle

COVID-19 Site-Specific Re-Opening Plan

Open Sign
The Alameda County Health Care Services Agency is allowing businesses to reopen provided they comply with State and County reopening guidelines and submit a reopening plan to the County.
The form can be found here.

Construction Specific Guidelines

Large and small scale construction is allowed to resume in the County under guidelines set out by the Alameda County Public Health Department. 1.a of each protocol sets the differentiating definition for large and small scale

The updated protocols from June 5, 2020, can be found here for large scale and here for small scale. 


"Social Bubbles"

People are allowed to gather as long as they stay in "social bubbles". "Social bubbles" are defined by the Alameda County Health Department as:

  • A group of 12 or fewer people from different households.
  • Participation is restricted to only one social bubble at a         time.
  • A bubble should be maintained for a minimum of 3               weeks.
  • Members of bubbled are encouraged to practice social         distancing and wear face coverings to the extent                   possible.

Further details of the press release can be found here.


Face Coverings

Face coverings are now required when outdoors. When exercising, face coverings are required if activity is within 30 feet of another person.


Childcare and Camps

Childcare and camps are now permitted, but must follow specific guidelines, which are listed below.

  • Small outdoor gatherings are permitted for Childcare or Youth Extracurricular Activity Units (CYE Activity Unit).
    • A CYE Activity Unit is defined as a group of 12 or fewer children and adults, formed for the purpose of providing childcare or extracurricular activities for youth.
    • A CYE Activity Unit should be maintained for a minimum of 3 weeks
    • Participation is restricted to only one Activity Unit at a time


Eviction Moratorium

Home Button

During the June 9, 2020 Board Meeting, the Board adopted amendments to the County-wide Temporary Moratorium on Residential Evictions, which itself was adopted on April 21, 2020. Those amendments confirmed the Board's April 21, 2020 action, which placed strong eviction protections during the local emergency in response to the COVID pandemic


These protections include:

  • Tenants will have 12 months to repay all back rent.
  • These protections extend to all cities within the county, unless that city provides a stronger ordinance.
  • For process on providing documentation to landlords, refer to Section 2, Item 6 of the ordinance linked below.

To review the full ordinance and all the eviction protections in place, you can view the Staff Report here.

East Bay Regional Park District request for proposal


The East Bay Regional Park District is looking to contract with a third party to operate the future camp store at the Dumbarton Quarry campground.

Here are three attachments related to the RFP:

Dumbarton Campground Campstore Addendum #1

Request for Proposals - Dumbarton Campground Campstore

Dumbarton Campground Campstore - Attachment A (store diagram)

Thank you for your interest!

Apply for Alameda County's Youth Leadership Academy

YLA Logo

From June 8, 2020 - August 7, 2020, Alameda County will be taking applications for the Youth Leadership Academy.

The Alameda County Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) is a free, educational program that enables high school youth to learn about local government while completing a career development and job readiness program alongside their peers. This award-winning program emphasizes interaction, engagement, and collaboration amongst cohort members and County leadership to learn about County programs, services, and community-based issues.

Click here for further information and to start the application process.

District 2 Poetry Slam

District 2 Poetry Slam

District 2 is excited to announce our virtual poetry slam, "Slam in the Shutdown". 

With the heavy topics in recent events and the hardships of shelter-in-place, we recognize that many youth need outlets for creative expression.

We will be launching this unique opportunity for the youth of District 2 to virtually perform their original poetry during shelter in place.

Prizes will be awarded to every participant. 

Look out for future announcements of the launch of this spectacular event. 

California Public Utilities Commission Programs


During this difficult time, many households are facing income challenges and may need assistance managing utility bills.

Families who previously did not qualify for these discounts may now be able to take immediate action to reduce utility bills by calling their utility to enroll.


Here are some examples of CPUC consumer programs/initiatives:

  • Low Income Oversight Board – Advises the Commission on low-income electric and gas customer issues and serves as a liaison for the Commission to low-income ratepayers and representatives

Sunol Citizens Advisory Council Opening

Boards and Commissions

For the residents of Sunol, District 2 is looking to fill a vacancy on the Sunol Citizens Advisory Council (SCAC).The SCAC meets on the third Wednesday of every month starting at 6:30 at the Sunol Glen Elementary School cafeteria, 11501 Main Street, Sunol, CA.

The SCAC serves as the local advisory council that advises the Alameda County Board of Supervisors on matters related to Sunol.

The application for the SCAC can be found here.

If interested, please contact Ginny DeMartini at (510) 670-6150 or email at ginny.demartini@acgov.org.

For further information on these boards and commissions, click here.