Your February Landscape Watering Reminder

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February 2025 Watering Reminder

Dormant desert willow

On January 29, the 159-day dry streak ended with Sky Harbor receiving a mere 0.01 inches of rain. But that's barely a drizzle. We’re calling it 169 days and counting!

The good news? Looking at the extended forecast, predictions show good rain chances next Friday. Over one-half inch is expected... we'll take it!

Otherwise, mostly sunny days – aka beautiful AZ weather – appear to continue for a few weeks. While below-freezing temps can occur into early April, our typical last frost date is mid-February. 

Don't forget that some trees and shrubs have already dropped their leaves due to the winter season. Others will drop leaves within the next couple of months but will leaf back out quickly. It's normal.

Lots of great programs are coming up! See below.

Recommendations below are for plants that are established in the landscape (in the ground about two years). Remember, to properly wet the root zone, water for the same duration each time you irrigate. The key is adjusting the frequency based on the season.


  • Summer grass (dormant Bermuda) - once every 21 days

  • Overseeded cool season grass (rye) - once every 7-9 days

Trees & shrubs on same valve

  • Desert Adapted - once every 28 days
  • High Water Use - once every 12 days


  • Desert Adapted - once every 36 days
  • High Water Use - once every 14 days

Shrubs, groundcovers & vines

  • Desert Adapted - once every 21 days
  • High Water Use - once every 10 days

Cacti and succulent watering

  • Once every 28 days

Annuals & vegetable watering

  • Once every 6-9 days (or more if you are starting seeds)

Wildflower watering

  • Once every 10-12 days if no rain

Note: These recommendations are a general guideline only and may need to be modified for your specific site conditions.

Landscape Watering by the Numbers: Don’t forget our online, interactive watering guide. If you input some simple information about your landscape irrigation system, it will tell you how long to water to give your plants just the right amount with these frequencies.

+ + BONUS TIPS + +

WORKSHOP: Grass-to-Xeriscape: Sustainable, Water-Smart Landscaping

Grass to Xeriscape

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 6-7:30 p.m. Mesa Main Library.

Do your friends ask, "What's up?" and you answer, "My water bill"? Maybe it’s time to trade in that tired lawn for a colorful Xeriscape landscape—and you could qualify for up to $1,100 from the City of Mesa!

Join City of Mesa staff for a quick overview of the Grass-to-Xeriscape Landscape Program, followed by an inspiring presentation from everyone’s favorite AZ Plant Lady, Noelle Johnson. She’ll guide you through grass removal and share creative design ideas for transforming your yard into a stunning desert oasis. Don't miss it!

Learn Workshop Details

Free Opportunity to Install Rainwater Harvesting Features

Ready to make a splash in Mesa? Want a FREE yard makeover and to help your community? ASU, Watershed Management Group, and the City of Mesa are looking for a resident to host a rainwater harvesting project!

WMG Water Harvesting Basin

The participant must:

  • Be willing to transform your front yard into a rainwater harvesting demonstration site.
  • Live within the blue areas in the map.
  • Have no flood irrigation.
  • Host 18-22 learners/participants two Saturdays in your front yard, allowing them to design and install.
  • Be available to schedule the install this March/April.

In exchange, a selected participant will receive a rainwater harvesting site design, basic earth moving, and trees for free!

Please email Stephen, Mesa's Urban Forest Program Manager, your name, phone number, and home address, at to register. ASU will determine if your front yard qualifies and will follow up with additional details.

SRP's Shade Tree Program - Last Spring Workshop

If your power provider is SRP, then take advantage of their final spring 2025 Shade Tree Workshop offered on February 15. Attending the online class will qualify for two free trees.

Learn more

Visit our Trees Are Cool interactive website to learn how reducing energy and planting more trees can contribute to our climate action goals. If you plant a tree, record your tree to show your support of this program. View the map to see trees planted.

TAC Map Feb 2025

2025 SRP Water Conservation Expo!

SRP WC Expo AZ Plant Lady

Sat., March 1, 8 a.m. to Noon. The SRP Water Conservation Expo brings together members of the community to celebrate water in the Valley and to discover ways to conserve at home. This event is free and includes amazing discounts on smart irrigation controllers. Get a Rachio 3 or Hunter Controller for $60+tax (retail value is $240 and $385 respectively). New this year is an offer to purchase efficient sprinkler spray heads and nozzles at a discount.

The expo offers valuable classes, including a water harvesting workshop, and features a wide array of exhibitors. Don’t miss the mini plant sale hosted by the Desert Botanical Garden!

Mesa's water conservation staff will be on hand for one-on-one chats about their programs, including the incentives mentioned earlier. Over at the Water – Use It Wisely booth, you’ll have the chance to meet Noelle Johnson, the AZ Plant Lady—a favorite local blogger and author. She’ll share expert advice on landscape design and gardening. Plus, you can enter to win one of her books: Dry Climate Gardening or The Water-Smart Garden!

Location: PERA Club, 1 E Continental Dr., Tempe. Advance registration for a controller is highly recommended.

Learn more & register!

Plant of the Month: Eremophila 'Valentine Emu' and 'Outback Cupid'

Eremophila Valentine

This Australian shrub provides great late-winter flowers just in time for Valentine's Day.

The flowers appear to be a magnet for hummingbirds seeking sips of nectar held deep within the tube. Learn more.

Find all of our Plant of the Month Articles.

Thinking of a Landscape Renovation?

Drab to Fab Before & After

Here are four great resources:

Drab to Fab Backyard Rehab 10-Part Video Series Check out our ten 3- to 5-minute videos that take you through the process of a real landscape renovation.

AZ Plant Lady 'Low Water Use Landscapes are Beautiful' Videos Mesa's water conservation staff partnered with Noelle Johnson (AKA, AZ Plant Lady) in a series of landscape videos to help you keep your landscape water smart. Eight videos cover  topics such as fuss-free plants, plant selection and how to plant, and easy tips to save water in the landscape.

Residential Landscape Revitalization Workbook This booklet from Scottsdale features seven unique landscape design idea options for you – Birdscape, Colorscape, EZscape, Flutterscape, Nativescape, Shadescape, and Verdescape.

Xeriscape: Landscaping with Style in the Arizona Desert This improved online guide provides information on design, installation, and maintenance, and a photo gallery of ideas for Arizona low desert gardens.

We've also got Tips for Selecting Professional Landscape Services.

WPIW Spring

Water Plant It Wisely Spring Site Now Live

Spring planting season is here! Temperatures are warming up, making it a perfect time to replace plants you may have lost during the winter, or replace your high-water-usage plants with water-thrifty ones.

Water – Plant It Wisely is our special microsite that lists all our best landscaping resources in one place. You'll find landscaping guidance, advice, and ideas on design and what to plant. Find the following topics and more:

  • The newly updated Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert book
  • How to invite wildlife to your landscape
  • Artificial turf saves water but what are the drawbacks
  • Where to visit local demonstration gardens for ideas
  • Where to find specialty plant sales 

By selecting low-water-use plants, and by using xeriscape landscape principles, you help conserve our precious water supplies for generations to come. 

Visit Water – Plant It Wisely

**Reduce your landscape water use 30 to 50 percent by adjusting your irrigation each season.** Landscape Watering by the Numbers: A Guide for the Arizona Desert will help you determine how much water to apply and how long to run your system. Visit the interactive website or request a free copy of the booklet.
