Green gift ideas, get outside, what to do with your old stuff, sustainability news, and more!
Planet-Friendly Holiday Ideas
Read our December Sustainability Savings Tip where Sustainability Santa shares ways to keep the holidays merry, bright, and easier on the planet. Learn what items are naughty or nice.
Here are some additional Sustainability Santa ideas:
- The Store at Mesa Arts Center is an artists' cooperative gallery, and a great place to find one-of-a-kind art and unique gifts by local artists. Learn more.
- Landscape Nursery Gift Card. We’ve got lots of great nurseries in Mesa, like Treeland, Greenfield Citrus Nursery, A&P, and Summer Winds. In fact, consider pairing the gift card with a gardening book. See our next tip.
- Desert Landscaping Books. We put together a list of our top desert gardening books in this Water – Use It Wisely blog. The story also introduces you to some of our best local authors.
- Nature or Earth-Friendly Books for Youth. Here are some great titles, The Lorax, We Are Here: Notes for Living On Planet Earth, Bee & Me, Touch the Earth, Follow the Moon Home, We Planted a Tree, Be a Tree!, How to Build an Insect (local author). Oh, and for fun non-fiction books about our amazing southwest creatures, try any title from local author Conrad J. Storad.
- Books About Make-it-Yourself Natural Cleaners. One of our favorites is The Organically Clean Home by Becky Rapinchuk. Include a good quality spray bottle with the book for a great gift combination.
- Compost Crank. Hands down our favorite garden tool. Mine has lasted over 20 years and helps keep my compost turned and aerated. It’s made by a company in Tucson called Lotech Products.
- Gift Ideas That Keep on Saving. Find great ideas like smartphone-friendly irrigation controllers, landscape books, and more on this Water – Use It Wisely approved holiday wish list.
-Refurbished Electronics. Looking for an affordable tablet, laptop, desktop computer, or television? When you purchase refurbished (like new) equipment, you’ll also be helping the environment. Check out our local recycler, Revive-IT Online Store.
The holidays typically mean that you’ll be buying STUFF and being gifted more STUFF. That likely means that you will be deciding to get rid of old STUFF. In fact, household waste generation increases by more than 20% in November and December. Find our advice below:
Recycle Right Wizard This is such a fun tool. Just type in the waste material you’re wondering about. The Wizard will tell you if an item is or is not recyclable in Mesa's blue barrel. Better than that, it will also advise you of additional safe and appropriate options for disposal.
AZ StRUT (AZ Students Recycling Used Technology) And now – what to do with your old electronics? If they are beyond use or repair, we will accept those items at our household hazardous materials facility for recycling. But here's a fun alternative – donate them to AZ StRUT. This non-profit takes all types of electronics, working or not, and refurbishes them to provide computers to Title 1 schools and community non-profit organizations. If they cannot use the items you donate, they will recycle it responsibly. Your donations are tax deductible. Find them at 1720 W Broadway Rd, #101 (right next to Stardust Building Supplies). Note that Staples and Best Buy also recycle electronics.
TREE-CYCLE! ARE YOU DONE WITH THE HOLIDAYS ON DECEMBER 26? No worries. Mesa’s Christmas Tree Recycling Program starts on Dec 26 and runs through Jan 20. You can “Treecycle” by bringing your tree to free drop-off locations. Collected trees are taken to the Salt River Landfill and chipped into nutrient-rich mulch or used for other sustainable purposes.
Stardust Building Supplies, Mesa This non-profit operates two reuse centers for home improvements that sell gently used, salvaged, and surplus building materials at affordable prices. Additionally, they provide deconstruction services that salvage building materials, divert waste from landfills, and support sustainability in the community. They accept working appliances, lighting and electrical, cabinets, plumbing, hardware and more. Mesa location: 1720 W Broadway.
Goodwill Donation Centers Will accept all items that are in working condition, contain all of their pieces and parts, and are free of stains and rips. This is the best way to ensure that your used items do the most good. Drive-thru drop-off makes it even easier to donate. Sites are located throughout Mesa. Don’t forget to shop there too.
Earth911 If you have an unusual item like old carpeting, check into this site for listings of companies in the area that may accept them.
Mesa's Climate Action Plan calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and establishing strategies to increase sustainability in our community. We are engaging residents and businesses to be climate ready within our six focus areas of Energy, Heat Mitigation, Air Quality, Water Stewardship, Materials Management, and Food Systems. With this month's topic, let's talk about Materials Management, also known as, STUFF!
Why do we need to create less trash for our landfills?
-Buying new stuff takes energy to make and ship.
-Food waste will create methane, a greenhouse gas.
How can you help? 1) Don’t purchase items you’ll only use once and throw away. 2) Donate or recycle computers and electronics. 3) Compost food and yard waste.
Learn more about Mesa's Climate Action Plan.
Mark Your Calendar!
Merry Main Street
Now through Jan. 11: Celebrate the Holiday Season at Merry Main Street in Downtown Mesa. The spectacular east valley holiday tradition returns to downtown Mesa for the tenth consecutive year with several new attractions. Enjoy visits with Santa at the newly renovated federal building, The Post. Skate on the winter wonderland ice rink (see live web cam), and don't miss the Mesa Temple Christmas Lights. Oh, and there are weekly prizes you could win if you find Bingles, our Gnome on the Roam. There are weekly drawings for prizes, then a grand prize that includes a $250 gift card and more. Get the details on how to locate Bingles. There is so much more. Find details at link below.
Tree Steward Program
Jan. 8, Tree Steward Informational Session. Becoming a tree steward will teach you the basics of tree planting and care. You will learn about tree benefits like reducing urban heat, improving air quality, attracting wildlife, and more. Two 4.5 hour education sessions will cover a variety of topics. After completing the program, you will be asked to plan, coordinate, and execute tree plantings in Mesa. Sponsored by the Arizona Sustainability Alliance and American Forests. Learn more. Also, check out this video about the program.
Gardening Programs at Mesa Library Happening in January
Jan. 9, 6-7 p.m. Spring Gardening in Arizona. The spring gardening season is short, but spring is the best time to grow many of our favorite crops. Don't miss this opportunity to meet presenter, Angela Judd, the author of "How to Grow Your Own Food." She is also a Master Gardener and an urban farmer right here in Mesa. Mesa Main Library. Learn more.
Jan. 16, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Family Garden Day: Seed Bombs. Learn to make flower seed bombs to bring a little color to your garden. Mesa Express Library. Learn more.
SRP Shade Tree Workshops - 2025 Schedule - It's HERE!
2025 classes are now open! Get two free shade trees by attending an SRP Shade Tree workshop on Jan. 16, Feb. 1, or Feb. 15. SRP is offering desert-adapted shade trees to help lower your home cooling costs and improve air quality without using a lot of water. Learn more.
These are for SRP electric customers only.
Are you a City of Mesa Electric Customer?
We’re excited to offer our electric customers up to two free, desert-native or desert-adapted shade trees through our Trees Are Cool Initiative!
Sat. Jan. 18, 10 a.m. to Noon. Mesa Electric Shade Tree Workshop. Register now.
Visit our Trees Are Cool interactive website to learn how reducing energy and planting more trees can contribute to our climate action goals. If you get trees from SRP to plant, please be sure to visit this site to register them.
City of Mesa Wins United Nations SDG Innovation Award The City of Mesa received global recognition by winning the prestigious United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Innovation Award. Mesa is one of only two cities in the world and the only city in the United States to receive this honor, celebrating its innovative approaches to sustainable development and impactful initiatives that align with the United Nations global goals
The award ceremony at the Maximilaneum (Bavarian Parliament) in Munich, Germany, on Saturday, Dec. 7, recognized Mesa's outstanding contributions to environmental sustainability, social equity and...
idea Museum Reopens Dec. 13 with New Look and Exhibition idea Museum is thrilled to announce its reopening on Dec. 13, 2024, following a three-month closure to refresh its name, brand and facilities. Formerly known as i.d.e.a. Museum, the museum has simplified its name to idea Museum, while preserving the powerful meaning behind the original acronym: Imagination, Design, Experience and Art. The refreshed brand...
The 12 Days of Wayne Tips: Save Water This Holiday Season
The holiday season is here, and while we’re busy decking the halls, cooking up feasts, and celebrating with loved ones, it’s also a great time to think about how we can save water. These 12 water-saving tips will help make your holidays a little greener (and your wallet a little happier).
Still No Clarity Regarding the Future of the Colorado River Last week, state and federal water leaders gathered to discuss the future of the Colorado River at the annual Colorado River Water Users conference in Las Vegas. After the conclusion of the event, it was clear to the attendees that no decisive path forward had been established, as...
Calling All Photographers! Enter the WRRC 2024 Photo Contest Do you have an amazing photo that celebrates Arizona water? This Photo Contest invites photographers to explore the theme, Water in Arizona. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase how water shapes landscapes, wildlife, and urban life. Hurry, the deadline is December 20th!
Participate In Maricopa County's Propane Fire Pit Program Get a $75 voucher to convert your wood burning fire pit to propane. In Maricopa County, a combination of wood burning and stagnant weather conditions can create poor air quality during the winter season. In an effort to reduce smoke produced…
Clean Air Make More Learn when it’s NOT OK To burn. Sign up for alerts so you’ll know just when the time is right to light your fire...
December Landscape Watering Reminder Get your winter watering schedules, read about frost protection for plants, local Xeriscape demonstration gardens, holiday landscaping book ideas and more.
Note: Photo shows what NOT to do.
> Fun ideas for getting outdoors over the holidays:
Desert Arroyo Park, 9320 E McKellips Road. This beautiful 58-acre parcel of native desert uplands is located at the NE corner of McKellips and Ellsworth Roads. This passive park takes full advantage of the site’s natural desert landscape.
Park of the Canals, 1710 N Horne. This hidden gem of 31 acres got its name because it is the location of prehistoric (Hohokam period), historic, and modern canals. There is also a playground and botanical garden walk at the site.
Desert Trails Park, 2955 N Recker Road, includes a series of biking trails, a pump track, and a kids’ skills track. The trails consist of a ¾-mile perimeter trail for hiking and non-motorized bike use.
 Monarch Haven & Reading Sanctuary, 635 N Power Road. This pocket park at Red Mountain Library was created not only for Monarchs and other butterflies, but for our community members as a contemplative place to read, learn, & enjoy nature. Find it in the NE portion of the parking lot. The park includes a labyrinth and more.
 Thank you for being a subscriber this year and for all of your efforts to live a greener lifestyle! Be sure to sign up for our monthly landscape watering eNewsletter. These alerts notify subscribers of monthly adjustments to their irrigation frequency, current weather situations, and other landscape tips. See this month's news. You can sign up directly for this newsletter by providing your email at this subscriber site. And please consider following us on our Living Green X.