Reduce your food miles, attend our upcoming workshops, read sustainability news!
Good Local Food is Easier Than You Think!
Read our January Sustainability Savings Tip [PDF] to learn more about how to reduce your food miles with gardening, CSAs, and community gardens. The number of miles our food travels from the grower to our plate is called “food miles.” More food miles = more fuel used = more CO2 emissions. Find details on what CSA means, what is a locavore, and about Mesa's seed library.
Check out the spring gardening program (below) being offered by Mesa Library. It will be taught by local author and Master Gardener, Angela Judd! Yes, it's this Thursday, sorry for the late notice!
Mark Your Calendar for Workshops & Programs!
 Growing with Mesa Urban Garden: Talks, Tours, Tastings
Mesa Urban Garden is offering an education series this year. They have two upcoming programs and more on the way!
> Spring Gardening in Arizona
Thur., January 25, 6-7 p.m. Are you ready to transition your winter garden to your spring garden?? With help from Master Gardener Angela Judd, learn what you need to do to transform your cool-loving winter garden beds into a haven for spring and warm-season vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
You could win one of Angela’s books or a planting calendar. Don’t miss it!
Mesa Main Library, 64 E. First St. Learn More
> Young Gardeners Funfest w/ Mesa Urban Garden
Thur., February 15, 4-5 p.m. Celebrate spring with the Young Gardeners Funfest! We will have seed planting, flower dissection, and make-your-own pressed flower bookmarks with Mesa Urban Garden and Master Gardeners. We’ll also have fresh flowers and leaves for young gardeners to press themselves and take home. Mesa Main Library, 64 E. First St. Learn more.
> SRP Shade Tree Workshops
The 2024 classes are open! Get two free shade trees by attending an SRP Shade Tree workshop on February 10 or February 24. SRP is offering desert-adapted shade trees to help lower your home cooling costs and improve air quality without using a lot of water. Learn more.
These are for SRP electric customers only. But, we have exciting news for our City of Mesa Electric customers! We will have a Shade Tree Program available March 16. Stay tuned for registration details.
Visit our Trees Are Cool interactive website to learn how reducing energy and planting more trees can contribute to our climate action goals. If you get trees from SRP to plant, please be sure to visit this site to register them.
Photo: Thornless Mesquite
> 2024 SRP Water Conservation Expo
Sat., March 2, 8 a.m. to Noon. The SRP Water Conservation Expo brings together members of our community to celebrate water in the Valley and discover ways to conserve at home. This event is free for SRP customers and includes amazing discounts on smart irrigation controllers. Get a Rachio 3 or Hunter Controller for $60+tax (retail value is $199 and $285 respectively). Attend classes and visit exhibitors.
Location: PERA Club, 1 E Continental Dr., Tempe. Learn more!
Mesa Celebrates All-America City Day Jan. 27 Mesa celebrates its All-America City Award with a throwback, free hometown event on Saturday, Jan. 27, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. downtown along Macdonald between Main Street and Pepper Place. The event showcases our community's diversity through youth performances, local entertainment, games...
Mesa Receives $11.8 Million to Strengthen its Public Electric Vehicle Charging Network Mesa is charging ahead with efforts to make driving electric more accessible and convenient for all its residents. The US Department of Transportation, through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Laws' Charging and Fueling (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program, has awarded Mesa $11.8 million to...
What Does it Mean Now that the Colorado River is in a Tier 1 Shortage? The combination of last year’s wet winter and the water not used by many Colorado River users has lifted Lake Mead’s elevation above 1050 feet. Under the current operating guidelines, the elevation of Lake Mead determines that we will return to a Tier 1 Shortage...
Water – Use It Wisely's Five Favorite Blogs of 2023
Take a 'drip' down memory lane with us to see what blog topics were our favorites last year. Learn about water leak videos, a beautiful demonstration garden, Arizona watersheds, San Marcos hibiscus, and more!
 Water Wisdom: If you didn't overseed with winter ryegrass (bravo), your dormant Bermudagrass only needs water once every 30 days this time of year. The nice winter rains like we had on December 22 and the past few days will cover that requirement.
Transportation is one of the largest consumers of energy, causing human-caused greenhouse gases and affecting human health directly through air pollution and subsequent respiratory effects. No private investment can alter the transportation system in the ways that public policy and transportation systems design can. Learn more in the Mesa Climate Action Plan: For a Sustainable Community.
 Your Voice is Important. Share Your Thoughts on the Mesa Transportation Master Plan 2050.
To plan for Mesa’s streets and roadways over the next 25 years, the City of Mesa is conducting a short survey to understand what transportation improvements you would like to see.
We want to know:
- In the areas you travel the most, what transportation investments would you most like to see?
- How do you want Mesa’s transportation system to grow and change?
- Are there specific areas where you experience issues with walking, biking, driving or have safety concerns?
Residents and visitors interested in participating can complete the online survey at:
Community input is critical to the success of this update, and we encourage you to spread the word to your family, friends, and coworkers so they can be a part of the process, too.
-Learn to Live Green-