Maricopa Currents: County News for You

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COUNTY NEWS ROOM  |   October 17th, 2022


Open Enrollment Starts Today!

Like your benefits?  Great, your work is (mostly) done.  Want changes?  Now is the time.

Due to the plan year changing to the calendar year, we are holding a Fall Open Enrollment from October 17 through November 4.  Open Enrollment is passive this time, which means if you like your current benefits, you don't have to make any changes.  Benefits will automatically rollover with the following exceptions:

  • FSA accounts
  • HSA accounts


Here's another important point: if you need to add NEW dependents, please go into Workday and do it now.  You need to add those dependents in Workday before enrolling them in coverage.  Click here for quick tips on how to do that.


The choices you make now will impact your coverage from January 1st to December 31st, 2023.


Log into Workday to get started >


Need assistance?  Contact Employee Benefits: 602-506-1010 or email


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Tips for Teleworking


Teleworking is the new norm for many of you, but are you doing it effectively and securely?  Here are a few tips from OET and Internal Audit:

  • Use encrypted emails where appropriate.
  • Do not use personal email for county business.
  • Store sensitive documents to OneDrive or County Server not your computer.
  • Empty your download folder and recycling folder regularly.
  • Put lock screen on or logoff when taking a break.
  • Make sure your home network is not compromised. Change your default password.
  • Look out for phishing scams.

Domestic Violence Survivors Benefit from County's $15 Million Investment

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In 2021, the Board of Supervisors voted to allocate $15 million to combat domestic violence. Part of this money was used to fill the gap in resources created by the pandemic. Another part was used for a systems change that allowed domestic violence survivors to access resources directly from their homes instead of only while living in a domestic violence shelter. Those funds helped Vanessa Martinez rebuild her life after she was shot by her ex-boyfriend. Martinez was able to get rent, utility and appliance assistance with help from Maricopa County.




So far, the $15 million has been used to assist 32,000 families escape domestic abuse. 


Domestic Violence Awareness Month: A Message from Supervisor Gallardo

domestic violence youtube

As part of the County's commitment to raising awareness, we are collecting toiletries to donate to local domestic violence shelters.  Look for purple boxes around county buildings from now through October 24.  In addition, join us in wearing purple on October 20th and share your picture on social media with #ColorTheCounty.  Learn more in the message from Supervisor Gallardo above.

Red Bullet


BOS Approves Small Business Advocacy Program


The Small Business Advocacy program will ensure small and local businesses get a larger share of county business.  

Administered by the Office of Procurement Services, this new program introduces greater flexibility for county departments issuing quotes on the open market which are under $100,000 to also consider the benefit of buying locally and keeping tax dollars in the local economy.

Read the press release >

Elections Command Center Holding Press Conferences to Combat Mis- and Dis-information


Leading up to the November General Election and likely after, we are holding regular news conferences in an effort to inform voters and debunk myths about the elections process. Our most recent news conference was on Thursday, October 13.  You can replay it in full here, or click on the links below for specific topics.


Running elections at a challenging time >

Paper ballots vs. machines >

Pens to fill your ballot >

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What's the Best Place to Learn about Elections? From Election Workers, Of Course!

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We took a viral sound from TikTok about a certain, specific drink of choice and used it to promote election facts.  Stunning!

Happy Tails!

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There are so many great adoption stories coming out of Animal Care and Control.  Here's one from the Ceciliani family:

"I started my adoption story with an adult cat named Lucy. She is so sweet and will crawl in anyone's lap for cuddles.
My husband and I then decided to adopt a senior dog about a year later and we couldn’t be happier! Nutmeg is a beagle/boxer mix who was about 8 years old when we got him and is the best boy. He was fully house trained, knew lots of tricks and makes us laugh every day!
We love them and tell people all the time how much we appreciate the Maricopa Animal Shelter for giving us our animals."

Share your own HAPPY TAIL adoption story >

Green Bullet


Congratulations, Courtney Medina!


According to Courtney Medina from Air Quality, this cute little pup is trying to lure Mario to a puppy party with something sweet!


Thank you, Courtney, and everyone who submitted a caption!


Now for this issue's photo...

Submit your caption online

cats in sink

Librarian Janelle Yoder thinks we need some FELINE representation. These are her cats Pixel and Ketzel, cuddling up close in an interesting location.  Have a caption for it?


Send it our way using the link above, or email us your favorite pet pic and we may use it in a future issue of Currents.

Orange Bullet


$34.6M Investment in ASU to help create reliable internet access and training for the region

via ASU News


Arizona Early Voting Begins; Mail Ballots Sent Out for 2022 Election

via KTAR


Maricopa County's Ballot Tabulators Tested Ahead of Upcoming Election.

via 12 News


Arizona Voter Party Affiliation Numbers, Database Frequently Cleaned.

via ABC 15


Democracy is Under Attack. Here's How We Know Arizona Elections are Safe and Secure.

via Arizona Republic



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Check out past news stories on Maricopa County's YouTube Channel. Read other news from the County and Board of Supervisors.

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