Maricopa County residents have reached out to our office with questions about the upcoming school year and what criteria will be used when considering in-person classes.
Maricopa County Public Health works with school districts in an advisory role year-round, whether that’s preparing for flu season or dealing with new disease outbreaks. With the current pandemic, Public Health is engaged in regular conversations with school leaders. Public Health provides guidelines that allow school district boards and administrators to make informed decisions based on the latest information about COVID-19 and how it spreads between people.
Maricopa County Public Health is providing recommendations to schools based on updated CDC guidelines and current knowledge about COVID-19 spread in our community. As Dr. Rebecca Sunenshine explained, "We cannot make decisions for schools, but what we can do, if schools reopen in person, is give them recommendations on how to hold school in the safest way possible."
School policy is made by school administrators, school boards, and the Arizona Department of Education. Maricopa County Public Health provides guidance that helps these groups make informed decisions. Ultimately, the State will make the final decisions with benchmarks expected to be released by August 7.
Each school district is different, and what makes sense for one might not make sense for another. However, Dr. Rebecca Sunenshine did outline some criteria that could be used by decision makers when considering whether to offer in-person classes, including:
- Downward slope of confirmed new cases
- Decrease in percentage of positive tests
- Widespread testing with timely test results
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The Governor held a press conference last week announcing the continuation of Executive Order 2020-43, with the release of Executive Order 2020-52. The pause on the operation of certain businesses will remain in place until the order is lifted but will be evaluated every two weeks (series 6 and 7 liquor licenses, gyms, movie theaters, water parks and tubing operations).
In addition, Governor Ducey and Superintendent Hoffman announced the Arizona Open Learning Plan. See the slides and Executive Order 20-51.
Maricopa County is playing a support role in the push to provide more COVID-19 testing throughout the region. The Board of Supervisors allocated federal CARES Act funding to help vendors set up testing sites. More information on those events will be released in the coming days and weeks. In addition, the Arizona Department of Health Services has a list of available testing sites located here or visit for a list of community testing events, as well as links to testing options available from Arizona Department of Health Services.
Everyone can take steps to slow the spread of the virus. If you’re sick, you should be staying home. If you think you may have been exposed, there are important steps to take.
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 You’ve probably heard some skepticism voiced about COVID-19 data, and maybe you even have questions yourself. Here are common ones we’ve received:
Q: Aren’t we just seeing high case counts because of increased testing?
A: No. While increased testing accounts for some of rise in cases, epidemiologists say Arizona (and much of the country) has seen increased transmission of the virus as well.
Track trends in COVID-19 tests and cases >
Q: Case counts are falling in Maricopa County, so how could we be seeing more deaths?
A: Hospitalizations and deaths typically lag reported cases by a few weeks. Many people who pass away from COVID-19 spend time in the hospital first. Our peak in cases seems to have happened in early July, meaning we will likely see higher numbers for a few more weeks before the lower number of cases results in fewer deaths.
Watch the video explanation >
Maricopa County now has nearly 80 Vote Centers open to serve voters in the August Primary Election. Find a time and location that works for you between now and Election Day! If you have not mailed your ballot, you will need to drop it off at a vote center or a secure ballot drop box before 7 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, August 4. See a list of locations >
 The Flood Control District has a program to help local cities solve small-scale flooding problems. The Small Projects Assistance Program (SPAP) allows cities and towns apply for up to $500,000 in funding to design and build flood control structures.
The Board of Supervisors recently approved four projects in District 2. The County will partner with the City of Mesa on three projects. Increasing the size of the storm drain and catch basin near Somerset Circle will improve drainage and reduce the flooding risk for area residents. Homes and roads near Val Vista Drive and the Eastern Canal have been subject to repetitive flooding and damage. New storm drains and basins will increase stormwater capacity and reduce these flood hazards. A retention basin on an undeveloped property north of Adobe Street will be constructed. This basin, coupled with other catch basins, will divert water flows impacting homes along Palo Verde Road.
The County will also partner with the Town of Fountain Hills to improve the Golden Eagle Park Dam. These improvements will provide protection for seven historically flooded structures as well as many downstream residences.
Maricopa County is now offering a faster way to get certain home renovation projects inspected. The Planning and Development Department just rolled out virtual inspections for certain permits. Learn more >
Maricopa County Public Health continues to provide guidance and assistance to business owners during the pandemic. You can visit the business page for FAQ's and other guidance. In addition, businesses can find a quick guide to safe operations below.
Sincerely, Steve Chucri, District 2 Maricopa County Board of Supervisors 602-506-7431