We have a solution to ensure East Valley residents continue to have an animal shelter nearby.
Current plans call for building a new east shelter on county-owned land at Baseline Road and Mesa Drive which will replace the existing shelter located at Rio Salado and Loop 202. Everything available at the Rio Salado location, from intake to adoption to sheltering, will be available at this new location. Read more
(Photo: Isaac Hale/The Republic)
Maricopa County has always been hot, but it’s getting hotter. Every year, we seem to set new temperature records. County government can be part of the solution, in both practical ways and in terms of leadership. Please read my opinion piece about this important issue in the Arizona Republic or listen to my interview on KJZZ.
The Maricopa County IDA and St. Mary's Food Bank are teaming up to help the homeless, formerly incarcerated, and other low-income individuals gain job skills. Programs like St. Mary's Community Kitchen provide opportunity and hands-on experience - allowing people to reach their full potential while also growing our economy. Read the Article
Sincerely, Steve Chucri, Chairman Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, District 2 www.maricopa.gov/steve 602-506-7431