MAG Regional Analytics Digest: Quarterly update for MAG data and map users


Regional Analytics Digest | May 2024 | Maricopa Association of Governments
Inside this Issue:

Heat Relief Network

The Heat Relief Network is a regional partnership comprised of municipalities, nonprofit agencies, and faith-based organizations who mobilize to provide resources to vulnerable populations and people susceptible to Arizona's extreme summer heat from May 1st to September 30th each year. MAG coordinates with partners to map resources for the Heat Relief effort, including donation sites, hydration stations, cooling centers, and respite centers. The Heat Relief Network provides a vital service to our region and work to ensure all members of our community have access to free hydration and refuge from the heat.

Demographics Viewer Updated

The Arizona demographic map viewer and Community Profiles dashboard have both been updated with the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey and now include data from the 2018-2022 five year estimates. Both the viewer and dashboard also still include data from Census 2020.

Employer Data Updates

Our data and mapping tools have been updated with the latest 2022 data from the Arizona COG/MPO Employer Database. The Arizona Employer Viewer is a powerful interactive map that visualizes the employer data and allows for custom selections and summary reports. The commute shed reports show information about employers, workers, and residents within a 30-minute morning commute time to 100 key intersections in the MAG region.

August Maps & Data Training

MAG Maps & Data Training is a great way to learn the basics of how to navigate and manipulate RAD’s online data tools, such as Arizona demographics, employers, and regional economic and housing data. The next free training session will be August 22, 2024, and can be attended either in person or virtually. Go to our training website to see all available dates and link to register. If your organization or group would like to have MAG’s trainers come to you, contact and we’ll be happy to work with you on making those arrangements.

Looking for previous issues? Visit the RADigest Archive webpage!
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