MAG Regional Analytics Digest: Quarterly update for MAG data and map users

Regional Analytics Digest | August 2023 | Maricopa Association of Governments
Inside this Issue:

Socioeconomic Projections and Viewer

On June 28, MAG Regional Council adopted the update of our long-range socioeconomic projections. This dataset projects population and employment growth through 2060 for the MAG region. You can find data from the projections, including the full projections data book and documentation on our website. We've also launched a new viewer that allows you to see the data spatially. We are working on additional data to accompany the adopted projections, and hope to have that available later this summer. If you would like a copy of the projections data, you can contact our team at 

Housing Data Explorer Update

The Housing Data Explorer has been updated with Q4 2022 data through December of last year. This interactive dashboard visualizes data and summarizes trends in housing and affordability for the region. It includes data on sales, apartment rent, evictions, cost-burdened households, and more for select geographies. The next update will be Q2 2023 data and will be available in the coming months.

Land Use Viewer Update

We have launched an updated version of our Land Use Viewer. With this tool, you can find information on existing land use, development status, and land ownership (private versus various public agencies) for Maricopa and Pinal counties. We are also working on further enhancements to add information on developability, general plan land use information, and more.

Heat Relief Network

During this summer of record-breaking heat, the Heat Relief Network encourages anyone seeking heat relief to utilize the Heat Relief Locator on their mobile device. After entering an address, ZIP code, city or by using their current location, the user can view a list of the nearest cooling and respite centers, filter by what is currently open, and get directions. The Heat Relief Network will be active through September and can also be used to find locations accepting water bottle donations.

2023 MAG Maps and Data Workshops Continue

Come learn how to find data and customize maps and reports from a wide variety of MAG resources. Only two more training dates left this year: September 27 and November 16. Reserve your seat today! You can find details on our trainings page, or you can go straight to our 2023 MAG Maps and Data Collection on Eventbrite and select the date and format (either in person or virtual) that suits you.

Looking for previous issues? Visit the RADigest Archive webpage!
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