Maricopa Regional Continuum of Care: December Newsletter

Maricopa Regional Continuum of Care
Maricopa Regional Continuum of Care (CoC) Newsletter | January 2023


Workforce Development Panel 

MAG will be hosting a Workforce Development Panel on January 26, 2023 at 11:00 am. You may access the event via this Zoom link! 


Point-in-Time Count 

The Maricopa County PIT Count is scheduled for Tuesday, January 24th, 2023. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your local Coordinator for the city/town you would like to volunteer in. The Coordinator will provide training to all volunteers prior to the count, distribute information and documents for the count, and assign volunteers to a specific area to count. On the morning of the count, volunteers will go to a specific assigned area to interview people experiencing homelessness and complete surveys in a smartphone app.  


Ending the HIV Epidemic in Maricopa County 

Kate Thomas, Senior Health Educator with the Ryan White Part A (RWPA) Program will be holding a virtual training “Ending the HIV Epidemic in Maricopa County” on January 19th, 2023, from 12:00 P.M. – 2 P.M. Register here! If your agency is interested in accessing additional trainings, please have them contact ( 


The Arizona Community Leadership Academy, welcome the next cohort of Leaders as they join the efforts to End the HIV, Hepatitis C and STI Epidemics in Arizona! The next Leadership Academy will be held January 28 and February 11, 2023.  Please provide this Arizona Community Leadership Academy 5.0 Registration Flyer to anyone that would benefit from this Academy. More information is included in the flyer. The Arizona Community Leadership Academy was recently awarded a Bronze Award by the Chief Learning Officer Magazine for Excellence in Partnership.  Please contact Rose at 602-525-4035 for any questions.  


Third Annual My Dog Is My Home’s Co-Sheltering Conference 2023 

Please join us from March 21-23, 2023, to attend My Dog Is My Home’s Third Annual Conference. This year’s theme is “Changing Systems. Changing Lives. Creating a world with equitable access to homes for people and their animals.” Through their curated program of speakers and workshops, organizations across disciplines will acquire tools and build their capacity to serve human-animal families.  


Purchasing conference tickets may be discounted through conference scholarships, student rates, and bundled ticket discounts. Most of the sessions will be recorded. Please note that tickets to this conference are considered an eligible expense under the CoC Planning Grant with HUD. Learn more and register here! 


ACESDV Together Forward Conference  

ACESDV is pleased to announce their conference Together Forward: Honoring Resiliency and Humanity held from February 1st – 2nd 2023, in-person at Desert Willow Conference Center in Phoenix. Register Here! 


The mission of this conference is to provide participants with a variety of learning opportunities in uplifting prevention, honoring resiliency, and recognizing humanity so together we can work towards ending domestic and sexual violence by dismantling oppression and promoting equity among all people. 


This conference will take place over the course of two days, and will include in person presentations, participatory workshops, and keynote speakers. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to network with multiple individuals from different organizations in order to develop connections and to build community support. 






The Continuum of Care Board met for Strategic Planning in December and will continue to meet in January to review 2022 efforts and what’s next in 2023.  


The Continuum of Care Committee met and reviewed the Affordable Housing Trainings and opportunities that MAG is working on in coordination with other partners. The Committee also heard updates on the Point in Time Count, the System Flow Dashboard, the Quarterly Trends Report, and the System Performance Measurements Review. The ASU Action Nexus presented on their Shared Housing Initiative and how organizations can get involved. 


The Coordinated Entry Committee (CEC) welcomed the Human Services Campus and UMOM to present an overview of the CE referral process.  Homebase will be holding several 90- minute virtual focus groups via Zoom, with each focus group covering a specific area of the Coordinated Entry System. If your work or experience is relevant to any of the following topics, please register for that Zoom meeting: 



The Data Committee spent the December meeting discussing solutions to a few, specific data quality issues members have highlighted as significant. The group agreed on actionable steps that can be taken in the new year to improve data quality in our system around zip code entry, homelessness start date, and income sub-assessment entries. In January, the group will begin discussion on data quality within the By-Name List (BNL).  


The ESG Committee completed the first training of the ESG training series, an ESG 101 discussion. This series, hosted by CSH, will continue into January with a training on ESG best practices for monitoring. ESG recipients are encouraged to invite members of their teams who may benefit from the training subject. Please reach out to Cleo Warner at for more details.  


The Lived Experience Committee (LEC) onboarded new members of the LEC on December 2, 2022. The LEC provided feedback on the Diversion Handout, it will be used as a guide for non-homeless service providers to initiate a diversion conversation with folks that are experiencing homelessness. The LEC, continues to work on the Shelter Bill of Rights. 


The Local Jurisdiction Committee (LJC) introduced a setup to share jurisdictional best practices, policies, and procedures for areas related to homelessness and engaged in a discussion on available localized data following a review of the Homelessness Trends Report. Jurisdictions are currently preparing for the annual PIT Count and developing their Annual Action Plans. In the new year, LJC will dive into the future of Pathways Home, such as planning Phase 2" action items to further implement the regional strategy’s goals. Optional Office Hours meetings will also begin, allowing for targeted discussions on common challenges. 


The Race Equity Committee and MAG staff hosted a virtual webinar training, “The Impact of Race: Understanding Internalized Racism” on December 15, 2022 with more than 100 registrants. The conversation continued the following day with participants invited to share how they would use the information in their workplace. Four additional virtual trainings will be offered by Race Equity Partners in 2023. Registration information will be shared when finalized.  


The Chronic Workgroup has begun to dive into data on chronic shelter stayers that have been 98+ days in shelter. The Human Services Campus continues to send shelters a weekly client list of individuals that are not assessed.  The group is currently looking into chronic data to identify outcomes that have led to the stabilization of our chronic numbers. 


The Data Analytics Workgroup continues to work through questions concerning returns to homelessness, focusing on the particular metric of reentry into the system after exiting to a permanent housing destination.  In the new year, the group plans to compile findings into a report to share with CoC committees that can provide input on recommendations to improve system outcomes. If you are interested in data analytics and want to join the workgroup, please reach out to Cleo Warner at  


The Outreach Collaborative invited Richard Haro, from Rahab’s Daughter to educate on red flags and indicators of Human Trafficking and how outreach staff can conduct a rapid assessment to ensure safety. The Outreach Collaborative also invited Eric Ortega, from Homeless I.D. Project to present on the importance of getting document ready and the resources available in the community. 





The Arizona Housing Coalition is meeting with Legislators prior to the start of the 2023 Legislative session. If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, reach out to the Arizona Housing Coalition.  


The Arizona Housing Coalition leads the efforts to end homelessness and advocate for safe, affordable homes for all Arizonans. For any questions, please contact Joan Serviss with the Arizona Housing Coalition at, join the Arizona Housing Coalition, or get involved in their Advocacy Committee if you are a member.    





All CoC meetings and Events can be found on our Meeting and Event Calendar. If you are interested in attending and do not have a meeting invite, register on the event page or reach out to 


HSRC Webinar: Braiding Resources to Collaboratively Develop and Strengthen Housing and Services PartnershipsRegister Here! January 9 from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.  


UMOM New Day Centers - Professional Resilience and Compassion Fatigue Training 


In-Person at Activity Center West – Register Here! January 18 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with a 1-hour lunch with additional breaks. 


Virtual via ZoomRegister Here! January 19 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with a 1-hour lunch with additional breaks. 


Ryan White Part A (RWPA) Program- Ending the HIV Epidemic in Maricopa County 

January 19 from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m 




Click this link for open Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Requests for Qualifications (RFQs), Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), and Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO). 




Click this link for available service provider resources, including toolkits and definitions. 




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