MAG Regional Analytics Digest: Quarterly update for MAG data and map users


Regional Analytics Digest | November 2022 | Maricopa Association of Governments
Inside this Issue:

Bikeways Viewer

MAG, in coordination with its member agencies, publishes a map of designated bicycle facilities in the region every three to five years. The current edition, hot off the presses, is the 2022 MAG Bikeways Map. This printed map is free and also includes cycling safety tips. It can be obtained from MAG and is distributed to local bike shops. You can download the PDF version here. The online, interactive version of the map, MAG Bikeways, has also been updated and is one of our most popular viewers.

Housing Dashboard Update

The Housing Data Explorer interactive dashboard has been updated with a new tab and more recent data. The new "Housing Update" tab summarizes key highlights and trends in developments, sales, rent, and affordability for the region. It features a collection of visualizations including maps and charts that have been presented at various meetings in recent months. Data on the other tabs of the dashboard have also been updated: eviction filings are updated through August 2022, while sales and rent data are now available through Q3 2022.

Employer Database

The 2021 Arizona COG/MPO Employer Database has been released. The database includes information about all employers across Arizona with five or more employees. It also includes information on industry clusters, key industries, and foreign-owned businesses. The data can be viewed through the Arizona Employer Viewer and users can acquire a copy of the 2021 database by contacting The Business, Jobs, and Industry dashboardinfographics, and commute shed reports will be updated with the latest employer data in the coming weeks.

TIP Viewer

As the designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and council of governments (COG) for transportation planning in the Phoenix metropolitan area, MAG is responsible for developing the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP serves as a four-year guide for the preservation, management, and expansion of public transportation services throughout the region. Use the Interactive TIP Viewer to find out what types of transportation projects are planned in your part of town.

Maps & Data Training

MAG has powerful interactive map viewers and exclusive regional datasets that anyone can access from any online device. These free resources are a valuable addition to your data toolbox. MAG’s Regional Analytics Division also holds free training sessions to help you discover and explore all our maps and data tools. We are pleased to announce that our 2023 workshops will be available online and in person! If you’ve been to one of our virtual workshops before, come again to our hybrid class and bring your laptop and a colleague! We are dusting off and sprucing up our popular hands-on exercises to provide step-by-step instructions and be a handy post-training reference. Dates and times for the 2023 MAG Maps & Data hybrid workshops will be posted on our training web page in the next few weeks, with links to the Eventbrite registration sites. The first workshop is tentatively scheduled for January 19!

Looking for previous issues? Visit the RADigest Archive webpage!
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