MAG Regional Analytics Digest: Quarterly update for MAG data and map users


Regional Analytics Digest | May 2022 | Maricopa Association of Governments
Inside this Issue:

Updated Demographic Data

With the release of the newest edition of the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) (the 2016-2020 vintage), MAG has updated both the Arizona Demographic map viewer and Community Profiles with the latest data. The Arizona Demographic viewer has Census data from the latest ACS and the latest decennial census for areas across the state of Arizona and allows users to create custom maps, reports, and graphs using data from a variety of geographies. The Community Profiles has interactive chart visualizations of ACS and decennial census data for the MAG region and each MAG member agency. Both can be accessed from

Commute Shed Reports

The MAG Commute Shed Reports have been updated with the most current data available, from the 2020 MAG Employer database and the Census Bureau's 2016-2020 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates. These reports show information about employers, workers, and residents within a 30-minute morning commute time to 100 key intersections in the MAG region. The reports can be found in the Arizona Employer map viewer or downloaded directly from the MAG website.

Arizona Exports

The webpage and infographic highlighting Arizona's export economy has been updated with 2020 and 2021 data. In 2020, commodities exported from Arizona were valued at $19.7 billion. The Phoenix Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) accounts for 56% of those exports. Trade is an important component for measuring how well the economy is doing. Net trade, exports minus imports, is a component of an area’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which measures personal consumption, business investment, government spending, and trade. In 2020 and 2021, Arizona experienced a trade balance deficit, with more imports than exports in both years.

Heat Relief Network

People seeking heat relief this summer can quickly locate cooling centers, hydration stations and water donation sites that have signed up with the region’s Heat Relief Network by using the updated Heat Relief Locator on their mobile device. After entering an address, zip code, city or by using their current location, the user can view a list of the nearest heat relief locations, filter by what is currently open, and link to Google Maps for directions.

Regional Workforce Commute Explorer

The Regional Workforce Commute Explorer has been updated with 2021 Maricopa County Travel Reduction Program (TRP) survey data. This interactive dashboard visualizes commute and workforce data for Maricopa County and specific subregions. Explore data on commute modes, average trip length, and workers by industry or occupation based on where they live and work. 

Virtual Maps & Data Training

Dates and times for the FREE 2022 MAG Maps & Data virtual workshops are posted on the map viewer training site, with links to the Eventbrite registration sites. These webinars are designed to help you get the most out of MAG’s powerful interactive map viewers and exclusive regional datasets on various topics such as demographics, employers, public education, and recreation options, all of which can be accessed by anyone from any online device. The next webinar is Thursday, June 30! If your group would like a personalized webinar, contact us at It’s still free!

Looking for previous issues? Visit the RADigest Archive webpage!
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