MAG Regional Analytics Digest: Quarterly update for MAG data and map users

Regional Analytics Digest | August 2021 | Maricopa Association of Governments
Inside this Issue:

Census 2020 Update

The U.S. Census Bureau is planning their initial release of Census 2020 data in mid-August 2021. When that data is released, MAG Regional Analytics will immediately start processing and analyzing everything the Census Bureau makes available, with a goal of releasing easy to digest reports for the MAG region within one or two days. Data on population change, housing, race and ethnicity, housing vacancy rate, and more, will be published quickly to help you understand the results of Census 2020. RADigest subscribers will be among the first to be notified when these reports are available. 

Heat Relief Locator

In our continuing support and coordination of the Heat Relief Regional Network, MAG recognized the need for an easy way for the public to locate heat relief services. People seeking heat relief can now quickly locate cooling centers, hydration stations and water donation sites that have signed up with the network by using the new Heat Relief Locator on their mobile device. After entering an address, ZIP Code, city, or by using their current location, the user can view a list of the nearest heat relief locations and link to Google Maps for directions.

MOMENTUM: Our Next Regional Transportation Plan

One of the most important jobs of an organization like MAG is to develop a
long-term regional transportation plan, guiding how our region spends its transportation dollars.
In the spring of 2021, MAG developed four different scenarios illustrating different futures. Using maps, the public was asked to provide feedback. On June 23, 2021, MAG Regional Council approved a final suite of project investments for the proposed MOMENTUM plan.

Community Data Explorer Update

While we wait for the release of Census 2020 data, Vintage 2020 population estimates have been updated on the Community Data Explorer. The Vintage 2020 estimates are based on the 2010 Census and may be compared with the 2020 Census to evaluate accuracy of the results. This interactive dashboard also includes other demographic data from the American Community Survey and downloadable infographic PDFs by geography.

Virtual Maps & Data Training

Dates and times for the FREE 2021 MAG Maps & Data virtual workshops are posted on the map viewer training site, with links to the Eventbrite registration sites. These webinars are designed to introduce you to MAG’s powerful interactive map viewers and exclusive regional datasets, which can be accessed by anyone from any online device. The remaining webinars for 2021 are scheduled for September 21 and November 9! Registration deadline is 48 hours prior to the workshop. If your group would like a personalized webinar, contact us at It’s still free!

Looking for previous issues? Visit the RADigest Archive webpage!
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