MAG Regional Analytics Digest: Quarterly update for MAG data and map users

Regional Analytics Digest | February 2020 | Maricopa Association of Governments
Inside this Issue:

Census 2020

Census 2020 is coming! Starting March 12th, households across the country will begin receiving letters from the Census Bureau with information on how to respond to the census online, or how to participate using other response options like telephone, paper questionnaire forms, and in-person.

Every ten years the U.S. Census Bureau conducts a full count of the population of the country. The data that comes out of that count informs everything from congressional representation, to school enrollment projections, to transportation funding for projects of all sizes. Census 2020 will be the first U.S. Census conducted mostly online.

For more about Census 2020 and what is being done locally to promote the census, visit

Arizona's Export Economy

A newly updated webpage and infographic highlighting Arizona's export economy is available on the MAG website.

Arizona has a strong export economy. In 2018, commodities exported from Arizona were valued at $22.5 billion. The Phoenix Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) accounts for 67% of those exports. Trade is an important component for measuring how well the economy is doing. Net trade, exports minus imports, is a component of an area’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which measures personal consumption, business investment, government spending, and trade. A positive trade balance, or trade surplus, like Arizona and the Phoenix MSA are experiencing is one indicator of a growing economy.

The American Community Survey (ACS)

MAG provides a variety of products that use American Community Survey (ACS) data including the Arizona demographics map viewer, commute shed reports, Community Profiles dashboard, and the regional overview infographic. These products have been updated to include the recently released 2018 ACS data.

The Census Bureau’s ACS is an ongoing survey that measures socioeconomic conditions of the nation’s resident population. The Census Bureau releases data annually that provide estimates based on surveys collected over 1-year and 5-year periods. Topics in the ACS include education, income, poverty, housing, employment, and more. The ACS is used for a variety of programs, including grant applications, economic development, population studies, human services planning, and more.

MAG/State Demographer Population Estimates

The MAG Regional Council has adopted the July 1, 2019 population estimates for jurisdictions in the MAG region. These population estimates are created in conjunction with the State Demographer, and are updated every year. The estimates and methodology can be found on the Population and Housing Estimates webpage.


2020 MAG Maps & Data Workshops

Dates and locations for the 2020 MAG Maps & Data Workshops are now posted on the map viewer training site, with links to the Eventbrite registration site. MAG has powerful interactive map viewers and exclusive regional datasets that anyone can access. To get the most from these valuable resources, come to one of our free hands-on training sessions. If you’ve been to one before, come again! We’re featuring new datasets, dashboards, reports, and updated hands-on exercises. Or invite us to come to you for customized training for your large group. It’s still free!


Share Our Map Viewers

You can now easily embed a link to our interactive map viewers on your website by copying and pasting the codes from the "Share" section of the webpage. Contact with any questions.

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