The Arizona Department of Transportation advises drivers to plan ahead for lane restrictions and ramp closures on east- and westbound Interstate 10 in Quartzsite.
The following lane restrictions will occur nightly beginning Sunday, June 2, and ending Friday, June 7, for paving:
East- and westbound I-10 will be reduced to one lane between Dome Rock Road to Scaddan Wash (mileposts 11 to 24) from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.
- The speed limit will be reduced to 55 mph.
- A 14-foot vehicle width restriction will be in place.
The following ramp closures will occur:
- The westbound Dome Rock Road off- and on-ramps (Exit 11) will be closed from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning Sunday, June 2, and ending Friday, June 7.
Note: Only one ramp will be closed at a time. Detour: Motorists may travel westbound to Tom Wells Road (Exit 5) or detour east on I-10 to Quartzsite Boulevard (Exit 17), to access westbound I-10.
- The westbound Riggles Avenue off-ramp (Exit 19) will be closed from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. beginning Monday, June 3, and ending Friday, June 7. Detour: Motorists may travel west to Quartzite Boulevard (Exit 17).
The following road closure will occur from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, June 3, to Wednesday, June 5, for slope paving:
- Dome Rock Road, where it crosses underneath I-10, will be closed to protect the safety of the public and workers during construction on the overpass. Detour: Motorists approaching I-10 from the south may detour east on I-10 to Quartzite Boulevard (Exit 17). Motorists approaching I-10 from the north may detour west on I-10 to Tom Wells Road (Exit 5).
Drivers should plan for delays, obey posted speed limits and traffic control devices and use caution around construction personnel.