Welcome New DBEs!
- Port Graham
- Yukon West
- Harris Miller Miller & Hanson
 Introduction to Government Contracting
New to the arena of government contracting? If yes, then this webinar is a great way to start! In Fiscal Year 2023, the federal government awarded over $13B in contracts in Alaska. This amount did not just go to prime contractors; it involved subcontractors, vendors, transportation, and all levels of supply chain management.
Date and time:
- Date: 10/10/2023
- Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Registration Deadline: 10/9/2023 3:00 PM
Fee: No Fee
- Registration Link
Training put on by Alaska APEX Accelerator
 Nominations Now Open!
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is currently accepting nominations for its 2024 National Small Business Week Awards, including the Small Business Person of the Year. All nominations must be submitted electronically no later than 4:00 p.m. ET on December 7, 2023. The awards will be presented during the National Small Business Week awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. on April 28- 29, 2024.
Learn more at National Small Business Week Awards | U.S. Small Business Administration (sba.gov) and for local awards learn more at Alaska District Office Awards.
Introducing the State of Alaska DBE Certification Program
Small disadvantaged businesses may be eligible to participate in the State of Alaska's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program. Annually the state establishes goals for ensuring minority-owned businesses receive a portion of state contract dollars and requires the use of DBE certified companies in many of its construction contracts.
Date and time:
- Date: 10/24/2023
- Time: 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
- Registration Deadline: 10/24/2023 8:00 AM
- Fee: No Fee
- Registration Link
Training put on by Alaska APEX Accelerator
Upcoming Construction Events
 National Apprenticeship Week (NAW)
NAW is a nationwide celebration where employers, industry associations, labor organizations, community-based organizations, workforce partners, education providers, and government leaders host events to showcase the successes and value of Registered Apprenticeship. Apprenticeships are instrumental in re-building our economy, advancing racial and gender equity, building a pipeline to good quality jobs, and supporting underserved communities.
Dates and times:
- Anchorage: 11/14/2023 from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- Fairbanks: 11/16/2023 from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Join Alaska Works Partnership, Inc. in November for hands on activities and an opportunity to talk with industry professionals.
 Check out the Transportation Fairs to learn more about upcoming projects
Mat-Su Transportation Fair:
Anchorage Transportation Fair:
- Check back here for more information soon!
Hiya everyone,
Zhenia here. For those who don't know, I am the DBE/OJT Program Manager. At the moment our office is short staffed but we're working on hiring our vacant positions. Please don't hesitate to call or email with all of your needs. If I don't answer right away, please know that I will get to you eventually!
In the meantime we're hiring for the following position:
At this moment the position is not open on Workplace however check back periodically by searching Workplace Alaska and filter by Department: Transportation & Public Facilities.
If you would like to email me directly to discuss aspects of this position or an update when the link is available, please do so. Email: zhenia.peterson@alaska.gov.
Title VI & Equity Workshop
Join us for a facilitated workshop with WSP, DOT&PF Civil Rights Office to review Title VI compliance best practices & tools to improve program delivery across all modes in Alaska.
Dates: All meetings are in-person
Equity portion of the workshop will offer a baseline introduction to the term as it relates to AK and business practices. Outcomes of this workshop will inform policy and procedure updates and the upcoming DOT&PF equity plan development.
This workshop is free and open to the public!
How much do you know about Accessibility?
Under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) and 28 CFR §35.105, all State and local governments are required to evaluate current services, policies and practices to ensure they are best serving the needs of the entire public, including those with disabilities.
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) provides many services to Alaskans as consumers of Alaska’s transportation infrastructure. The ADA Transition Plan(s) document DOT&PF’s efforts to transition to a more equitable and accessible Alaska.
We have a ton of resources available on our website, check it out!
October is Pedestrian Safety Month!
Every October, NHTSA showcases its efforts toward pedestrian safety and brings together transportation professionals who aim to create a safe and accessible transportation system.
To spread awareness and promote safety during the month, NHTSA provides resources such as safe walking tips for youth, pedestrian safety videos, and a resource guide with activities and events for four weeks centered around the Safe System Approach.
New FHWA 1273 Form for Contracts
The FHWA released an updated 1273 Form : Form FHWA-1273, “Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts”. The notice of availability will be published in the Federal Register on September 29, 2023.
The updated FHWA-1273 form, dated October 23, 2023, along with a Section-by-Section summary of the changes to the form are now accessible on FHWA’s website. This update was developed in response to the Department of Labor (DOL) making changes to the Davis-Bacon regulations.
Read the following documents: